Medical marijuana in schools


Hi all!

While not a school nurse, I am a frequent lurker on the forum. I love reading the posts here because it gives me (a public health nurse) a better idea of what's going on in schools that I work with sometimes in a public health capacity.

I am wondering if any of you have had to deal with medical marijuana in schools yet? Has that conversation come up at all, and what are the policies in your areas?

I was reading this article N.J. school 1st in nation to allow medical marijuana for students |

and it looks like some schools are making the move to be able to have the school nurses dispense the medical marijuana like any other medication. I live in Colorado, so I hear plenty about marijuana. Colorado passed a law last year to allow schools to adopt policies for school nurses to be able to dispense it as ordered medication, but as far as I know no schools have actually done so. It seems like that would violate the drug free policies that most schools have in order to be able to receive federal funding.

Anyway, thanks for reading, and I look forward to hearing the perspectives of school nurses on this topic.

Holy crap. It isn't federal so I can't imagine how the legalities will work.

Is it prescribed PRN for pain?

There is no smoking in schools, so it would have to be in pill form, or edible.

What are the parameters?

Is it prescribed PRN for pain?

There is no smoking in schools, so it would have to be in pill form, or edible.

What are the parameters?

In the article for the New Jersey school it looks like it was an edible formulation; a concentrated oil with 4 drops given in a small glass of soda for the student to take with lunch. In that case it looks like the mother of the child is the one who manufactured the oil. Myself, I would be nervous to give something that hasn't been quality controlled for correct concentration and dosing the way medications approved by the FDA have been.

In the article for the New Jersey school it looks like it was an edible formulation; a concentrated oil with 4 drops given in a small glass of soda for the student to take with lunch. In that case it looks like the mother of the child is the one who manufactured the oil. Myself, I would be nervous to give something that hasn't been quality controlled for correct concentration and dosing the way medications approved by the FDA have been.

Nope. No way.

Specializes in school nursing, ortho, trauma.

The case in NJ was i believe an edible mixed into a soda for epilepsy. I took an interest as I had a young student that was looking into getting to a medical marijuana treatment program. She ended up leaving my school before she got in and I don't know what happened to it.

How can a student who is under the influence perform at school? Just like if I was prescribed Tylenol with codeine, I would need to be off work since I wouldn't be able to concentrate

Specializes in ED, School Nurse.

We just drafted a policy at our school for medical marijuana.

-It cannot be stored at school.

-A parent or guardian must come to school to administer the medical marijuana. The parent/guardian is the only person who can administer the medical MJ to the student.

-The parent/guardian is allowed to transport the medical marijuana on school property for administration purposes only.

-The medical MJ must not be in smokable form, it must be in pill or liquid form.

-Once the student turns 18, he or she may NOT take medical marijuana at school (dumbest part of this law IMHO).

-All kinds of paperwork needs to be completed and on file by the provider and the parent, including a copy of the medical marijuana certification (like an rx but not called a "prescription", it's a "certification".

Not an issue yet, as in I don't have any students who need to take medical MJ at school.

How can a student who is under the influence perform at school? Just like if I was prescribed Tylenol with codeine, I would need to be off work since I wouldn't be able to concentrate

Yes, but Tylenol with codeine is prescribed for short term issues, where MMJ is usually chronic, pun intended.

I read and keep up with many MMJ studies, and I don't think it should be discounted at all.

It's a comin'.

I think more testing needs to be done as far as medical uses. I'm for legalization, btw.

I don't think it's the cure all MMJ fans think it is.

I would definitely call up a doc regarding a PRN MMJ order and ask questions. This is uncharted ground for me, especially with minors.

If it was legit, I would keep it locked and have the kid SA.

Yes, but Tylenol with codeine is prescribed for short term issues, where MMJ is usually chronic, pun intended.

I'm not familiar with the effects of marijuana from a personal or professional point of view. I haven't researched it enough to form an solid opinion.

I'm not familiar with the effects of marijuana from a personal or professional point of view. I haven't researched it enough to form an solid opinion.

We should do that this weekend. I'll bring the Cheetos.

We should do that this weekend. I'll bring the Cheetos.

Hahahha! I had a bad experience once. I don't think I'd try it again. I don't like to feel out of control.

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