Published Feb 23, 2010
NurseLoveJoy88, ASN, RN
3,959 Posts
A doc gave me a really nice compliment today and told me I keep getting better at what I do. He then suggested that I go to med school and become a doc.
I almost fell out laughing. I told him no thanks! I'm totally content with being a nurse :)
221 Posts
Should have asked him if he'd pay for your med school
5 Posts
nothing compares for being a nurse..
whichone'spink, BSN, RN
1,473 Posts
I'd love to have a life as well as a career. Can't really do that as an MD.
Midlevel is a happy medium though.
7,108 Posts
That was a nice compliment! Being a nurse has it's drawbacks, but as said above, the doctor's job is very time intensive, and that's after you've gone through the gamut of med school, internship, residency, etc. There are plenty of opportunities in nursing to advance and expand our practice if that's what we choose to do!!
Kooky Korky, BSN, RN
5,216 Posts
How did the doctor react?
netglow, ASN, RN
4,412 Posts
Yeah, how did you react!
Did you :rotfl: and then "snort"?
223 Posts
Suggested reply to MD: Oooo, a compliment!! Your people skills have shown great improvement! Keep it up, and maybe you can become a nurse someday!
209 Posts
121 Posts
He probably would pay for your med school. That might've been his lazy attempt to hit on you.
Just keeding! You should've told him to try nursing to see how its like. That's what I would've said.
carolinapooh, BSN, RN
3,577 Posts
From a physician, that's a compliment. They see things in terms of a certain type of reasoning, an ability to see the whole picture, and the ability to present one's knowledge well. I don't believe he meant it as an insult. For professionalism's sake, I hope you accepted it for what it was and then went on about your business of nursing!
And yes, he could have said, you really are an outstanding RN, and he did - just in a strange sort of way.