MCPHS Spring 2009

U.S.A. Massachusetts


I just found out that I was accepted into MCPHS for spring of 09'. I am so excited and I can't wait to begin.

I am wondering if anyone else has been accepted or is applying!


So, has everyone recieved the email from the school. I almost choked when I added up the cost of books. It came to almost 800 dollars! But checking around, I got the price down to 580, getting some of them used.

What is everyone doing for parking, since they are on waitlist?

I have no idea what I'm going to do about parking...I can barely afford to live and feed my son! LOL! Seriously, I am a student at Becker college, too and I will park there and take the shuttle to MCPHS if I have to!

Where did you find the books for $580???? I can't find them for less than$700!!!

I am trying to be overly organized about this. I made an excel spreadsheet and price them all at amazon. Then I went to, which is an ebay company and price them there. You can't get all of them there, but some of them. You also have to pay individual shipping, but it still comes out to be alot cheaper. Then, I went to that Lippincott publishers website and priced those ones cause we get 20% off. When you take all three websites into account, you can get it down to around 580, including the shipping on

I agree, I can't afford 95 bucks a month for parking! I'm not going to be able to keep my babysitting job and I have a car payment and insurance.... so I'm gonna have to find another job at night. I'm either going to take the shuttle from WSC, or take the public bus. I'm hoping spots open up after the spring.

Good luck looking for books!

I didn't get an email with a book list-when was it sent? Also were you guys able to get on the parking wait list? I was told we had to wait till orientation and thats where we would be able to figure out parking.

i did not get anything either???

You know what really makes me mad? No matter who I email at the school...I NEVER get a response!!! I emailed Financial Aid last week...haven't heard back....I emailed about parking....haven't heard back!!! *** is that!???

My name is Amanda and I also got into the program for January. Don't worry, I have not been getting responses from financial aid. Sometimes I have to call straight for a week to get a response. Also, I have not yet recieved an email with a book list. Does anyone know when our clinicals start and we will most def. need a car? When I asked several people on campus, some thought it wasn't until July.

hey amanda-congrats on getting in! Ya they are def bad at getting back to people at this school. We definetly do not start clinicals until our summer semester- so I don't know what month that is june or july- but they are probably accurate with the july.

hey I got an answer about the email-and I was told another one was being sent today so I don't know if everyone got that. I just wanted to say you can find the Littmann cardiology III for a lower price than 155 at Trippis-and thats a sale for them. The lowest I've found so far is 129.99 from Steeles ( - any savings are good since we are already spending so much money for this program!

Hey guys...for those who have not received the emails from MCPHS yet...what email server do you use? I wasn't receiving them either until I checked my SPAM folder and bam there they were (I use gmail), so maybe check there? And does anyone know the Worcester bus schedule? I live pretty near the school...right across from WPI, but still too far away to walk :(

I don't know the bus schedule and I am driving from outside Worcester. Maybe once we all meet we can figure out maybe car pools or pickups!?

I'm not sure of the exact bus schedule eitehr but I had checked that out a few months ago and I know it is online. I also live just outside of worcester (holden/worcester line) so carpooling could def be a way to go!

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