MCPHS Spring 2009

U.S.A. Massachusetts


I just found out that I was accepted into MCPHS for spring of 09'. I am so excited and I can't wait to begin.

I am wondering if anyone else has been accepted or is applying!


I live in the Tatnuck area of Worcester. I would definitely be up for carpooling!

Has anyone else gotten their books yet?

Specializes in pediatric.

To those going to MCPHS Boston campus for nursing, beware. It seems like you all are going to be in Worchester, which is good. Ive only heard good things from that campus. And their NCLEX pass rate was at 100%. Boston Campus is out of wack. They are very unorganized, they screw you with clinical placement and they dont really seem to care about the c/o 2009. We tried to plan a trip to Uganda with one of my teachers who is from Africa, but that got shot down. When asked why we couldn't go, it was because we are scheduled to have an NCLEX review during the week we were going to go. It was planned even right on top of our trip and they are just like "oh..we had no idea..oh well".

thats just one part of it. I can go on and on.

But hey, Worchester campus seems like its going to be a good experience for you all!

Yeah, I think WORCESTER is going to be far better than Boston!!! I hope Boston gets better for you!

Does any one know what they are doing for parking? I'm getting a little bit freaked out about that. I definitely cannot afford 95 bucks a month to park in the garage. And I researched other places around Downtown and they are even more for monthly parking passes. So, I was just wondering what everyone else was doing!

Have a wonderful holiday!

I wish I knew...I still don't know how I'm going to buy my books! I got a loan for the amount of money I am going to need to cover everything and they told me they will not issue me a check until FEBRUARY!!!!!!!!!!!!! *** am I going to do????? I am so ******, I mean I understand what they are saying...but they expect us to have uniforms and books etc...on the first day and I literally will not be able to buy anything until I get that money...I am beyond broke, I have NO money at all!!!

i live in spencer on the worcester/paxton/spencer line...i can head in through tatnuck or even holden....i would love to commute with someone! parking is waaay too expensive to commute alone!

I have the same problem with money lol...I am getting back money from my loans which I desperately need and they won't give it to us until the end of Add/drop period- but add/drop ends jan 16th so I was hoping we could get our checks oh like the 19th (the following mon)...but who knows. I don't know about parking either...they said we could apply for parking or whatever on orientation day but who knows if there will even be any available my plan was just to park across the street at st. v's which is $4 dollars a day- but even so thats $80 a month! This is all getting way too expensive! We can probably all figure out a carpool situation once we meet (just a few more days!). By the way does anyone know what is going on for what time we are supposed to be there and where etc? I haven't gotten anything in the mail or email about it? Hope everyone enjoyed the holidays and is enjoying their last week of freedom!

we have to be there 7:45am-5:30pm on friday

Specializes in Urgent Care.

I just want to second what was said about the MCPHS School of Nursing (Boston) ...I would not recommend this program to anyone. I hear the Worchester and Manchester campuses are much better so good luck to all of you! But just a little overview about the Boston campus for those who are interested...

The program is too new at this point and honestly is falling to pieces due to constant unorganization. The faculty has very different view about how the program should be run which causes tension amongst themselves causing further disruption of our education. I can honestly say that little goes right in this program; students are often treated unfairly and there is little respect between most faculty and students. Clinical sites and schedules are always a mess and are constantly changed with little advance notice. We still do not have placements for our next clinical rotations, which start in two weeks. And there is so much more...

I just strongly advise anyone considering this school to look elsewhere for another nursing program, if you are looking in the Boston area I hear Simmons College and Northeastern University both have great programs. Any other questions please let me know and I will be happy to answer them.

I graduate in May of 2009 and I can not be happier that it is almost over.

I have the same problem with money lol...I am getting back money from my loans which I desperately need and they won't give it to us until the end of Add/drop period- but add/drop ends jan 16th so I was hoping we could get our checks oh like the 19th (the following mon)...but who knows. I don't know about parking either...they said we could apply for parking or whatever on orientation day but who knows if there will even be any available my plan was just to park across the street at st. v's which is $4 dollars a day- but even so thats $80 a month! This is all getting way too expensive! We can probably all figure out a carpool situation once we meet (just a few more days!). By the way does anyone know what is going on for what time we are supposed to be there and where etc? I haven't gotten anything in the mail or email about it? Hope everyone enjoyed the holidays and is enjoying their last week of freedom!

Exactly!!!!!! Also, you mentioned applying for parking at orientation....well, that's a load of crap! When we got the first email with parking info in it, and it said something about a waiting list for "MCPHS Subsidized Parking" I immediately emailed the lady and asked to be put in the list.....3 weeks laster I got an email back from her stating that I was put on the list but that she doesn't anticipate any spots opening up until MAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! *** is that!????????????????????????? :banghead:

I just feel more and more like this is a half a*sed program, and I'm really upset about it. Although, what is keeping me here is that I have heard from actual physicians and nurses that the program in WORCESTER is wonderful and they are very thorough, etc....

Ok, that's it I guess.....Ugh!

Hello Everyone and Congrats on getting in! I am sure you all have started the program by now...I was wondering on what you think about it and if it met your expectations?

I also would like to know the student profile for everyone that got accepted, such as GPA,recommendation letters(who wrote them for you) and whatever else you had to send it to be accepted.

I want to apply by the end of this year and would like some feedback on the best ways to get into these programs.

Thanks for your time!! Good luck on your nursing adventures!!:bugeyes:

I wouldn't apply again....if I could go back, I wouldn't bother. It is new and not well put together. I would have gone to UMass or MGH!

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