MCPHS Spring 2009

U.S.A. Massachusetts


I just found out that I was accepted into MCPHS for spring of 09'. I am so excited and I can't wait to begin.

I am wondering if anyone else has been accepted or is applying!


Specializes in Medical and general practice now LTC.

can i remind members as per terms of service not to post identifying names from institution

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Thanks for all the information!! Did anyone else get their financial aid information yet??? I haven't!

hi! I just got mine in the mail 5 min ago. Trying to see what I need to borrow now. I really hope I don't have a problem with borrowing because I wouldn't be able to come up with a co-signer. I'm confused on how much to take out. I need probably 12-15K extra for living expenses but would they allow that? Ugh. Did anyone else get their letter yet?


Hi guys, has anyone figured out what the total cost of the 16month program is going to be??? In my financial aid package it lists 33,660, but they make it seem like this is only for the spring and summer of 2009, since this the period the financial aid package they gave me is supposed to cover. Are they accidentally including room & board? Or is this the total amount for the entire program. Only the spring and summer cannot amount to 33,660 without room and board!!

i know, it's totally confusing and i had to email the person in fin aid office to clear stuff up and i'm *still* not sure im 100% clear! ugh.

i'm going to cut and paste what he emailed me. hope you understand! if you do, explain it to me ! lol -erin


you are charged on a semesterly basis. the program is divided into 2 award years (2 semesters each) for financial aid purposes and you should set up any loans for the full award year, which means whatever you set up now should be enough to cover your spring and summer semesters including tuition and fees as well as personal expenses. your charges should be around 11550 for the spring semester once your deposit is taken into account and about11000 for the summer semester. therefore, you should borrow enough to cover whatever amount is not covered by financial aid plus any personal expense amounts you are looking to receive a refund toward. for example, if you are looking for 2000 per semester for personal expenses, add 4000 to the total of the loan. i hope this helps. please let me know if you need any further clarification."

Thanks! I am still a little confused as well. Math was never my strong suit. I'm still wondering where they got the 33,660 number from??? I am definitely going to have to call them tomorrow morning, and I have a feeling they will be hearing from a lot of us. And the cost that the financial aid officer gave you think he was figuring in books as well as fees? I am also going to have to buy health insurance through the school since I no longer will be working full time. I think while I await an answer I'm going to go buy a few scratch tickets and pray for a miracle!

Umm let me see if I can help cuz I have emailed the financial aid guy at least 3 times today- poor guy! Ok so the 33,660 (thats what was on mine too) is the expected budget for tuition, fees, books, supplies, room, board, transportation, and miscellaneous- and that is just for Spring and Summer semesters only. If you don't have health insurance you will have to take it through the school, which is the only thing i'm not sure is included in the 33,660. He said that the health insurance forms will come in the mail with our bill- at which point you can either take it or deny it if you are already covered by someone else. So if you take out room and board and health insurance the budget is less-i'm just not sure what.

The amount of your award determines how much money the school will certify any personal loan for. The way it was explained to me: Take the budget and subtract the current award amount from that and that is what the school can certify the loan for. For me that amount isn't enough to cover the rest of my "budget" and my total living expenses so I have to take out another personal loan on top of that one that doesn't need the school to certify the amount. Man this is crazy I can't believe how in debt I'm going to be at the end of 16 mnth!

I don't know if that made sense or answered any questions lol, but hopefully. :confused:

So, I recieved my bill today, but with no health insurance waiver and no summer semester listed. So, I have how much the spring is going to cost but that is it! Do you think we'll get more than one bill? I seriously don't remember this much confusion and fustration during my first bachelor's degree!!

I just got my bill ass well- no health insurance waiver form or even instuctions how how to go about doing so. This school is driving me crazy already! Also no summer charges- which I assumed ould be on there. So Im guessing we will get a different bill when summer comes- but it would have been nice if they had sent us both now so we can figure out loans-seriously! Guess I'm going to be calling the financial aid office- again.

ok I just called financial aid- i wanted to cathch them before the weekend. He said they messed up and sent the health insurance forms separate from the bill, so the health insurance waiver forms will be coming beginning of next week. I totally forgot to mention about the summer session bill so I dunno about that. But he did say that if you have a loan that the school will request 2 different dispursments one for spring one for summer.

I called the financial aid office a few hours ago but unfortunately have no call back! Im still confused as to how much to take out in loans as well..and exactly how much they are adding to the the bill for room and board. The health insurace waivers, however, are online through the MCPH website, on the financial aid homepage, so I assume you can just print them out and mail them in.

well what I did for the loan amount was take the budget on our financial aid letter and subtract my award amount and since thats the total the school would certify thats what I took out in the loan I applied for. For me that will cover the rest of tuition for spring and summer and some left over for books etc. and the financial aid guy said that the total loan amount will be divided in half and sent in 2 disbursements. However, I still need to apply for another loan just for my living expenses which sucks because I'm not having much luck with that.

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