MCPHS Spring 2009

U.S.A. Massachusetts


I just found out that I was accepted into MCPHS for spring of 09'. I am so excited and I can't wait to begin.

I am wondering if anyone else has been accepted or is applying!


CLLB -THanks for leting us know! I really hope that it will be soon that the send us info...nothing like cutting it down to the wire!!!!!

LOL on More UVMers!!!

Has anyone heard anything yet about financial aid? I've been calling and leaving messages to Lynn but no reply. I'm thinking about stopping by the office just to get an answer?

I've sent a few emails about financial aid and I've gotten no reply also. I'm starting to get a little nervous. If that December 14th deadline is correct, then we have a little over a month to figure it all out.

Chellerc, let us know if you find out anything!

Hey! I called him yesterday and he was all disorganized and nervous but said that he would have everyones out by this week or next. One of the girls who is in one of my pre-req classes (I'm still taking one more this semester) is starting at mcphs next year too has already received her package last week. This is ridiculous! It's Nov and our fees are due in mid Dec!!! I'll let you know when I get mine in the mail. ARghhh:madface:

I wish I would have heard something! I still haven't heard a thing from them! Let us know if you do stop by!

I just wanted to let you all know that I heard from someone in the admissions office today. He let me know that the people in the financial aid office are working hard to put out all the finanical aid packages. He said that they should be out to us by the end of next week. So, we shall see if that is true!

Someone from the financial aid department finally got back to me today after my 12th message haha. He said the same thing as the person told you-by the end of next week they should be all sent out. Just make sure to watch for them. Lynn had told me mine was supposed to be sent out Oct. 18th and 2 wks later its still not here so he's sending out a new one. Were only going to have what 4 wks until our tution is due-eek! :bugeyes:

I think the Financial Office may have goofed and now are racing to cover up their mistakes. Maybe they will give us an extension on the due date??

Ya I think your right they probably did goof. They said that we can apply for loans online and there is a list of suggested loans that will get sent in our packages. He also said it can take just a few days to get approved for a loan so we shouldn't have trouble. But I personally don't know if its that easy especially if you don't have perfect credit you know. I think that if we can't get our tuition by the date they want they may give an extension-maybe? I mean they are the ones taking so long to get the packages out to us.

I really hope they would give an extension. Especially considering they are taking so long...I don't have the best credit and It is going to take me a little longer to figure stuff out!!!! Oh, I'm so mad...I wish they would just get their act together! :o

I'm real worried about the loan thing because I don't have perfect credit at all and not sure if anyone would be a co-signer for me if I needed one. Trying not to freak out in advance but its hard when you have no idea whats going on. Hopefully it will all work out in the end and we will all meet in Jan!!

I'm with you on that credit is def not so good so I'm worried too but I'm trying to keep my hopes up. I'm sure it will all work out! I'm really looking forward to meeting everyone and starting this program!

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