MCG BSN Program:

Nursing Students Pre-Nursing


....Just wondering if anyone (who applied for priority admission to the BSN program at MCG) has heard anything??? I have not and am getting a little anxious!

Maybe your right!! I have heard a few people call them and hear one thing one day and another thing the next day. I guess there are just a lot of people in the office and it depends on who you talk to. Who knows! Either way it shouldn't be too long now!

Yes, they definitely haven't been very clear to anyone in that office! I haven't called, but from everything I have read on here, & heard from other people....geez! I just don't know what to think about the letter--if it is good news or bad news!?! I will just be so glad to know either way so I can move forward! I guess I will know in a few the meantime, I wish ya'll the best & that your status will be changed soon as well!!

Well, you guys are lucky because my status has been ready for review for 2 months now. I really hope your letter comes soon and it brings good news. This is just so stressful that I'll be glad to know something. They don't even have to accept me.

Hey there! My status has been at the "ready for review" all this time too. Today it changed to "Decision made by Admissions Committee; notification is by mail". Ahhhhhh - I can't stand it, I must know now! Does anyone know how long it takes to receive the letter after the status has changed? I am going to have a heat attack before actually finding out!

A girl I know found out within 2 or 3 days. Congratulations!! I'm very excited for everyone but I'd like to hear something too.

ahhh I am sorry! I will think positive thoughts for you! I am actually a bit nervous because I did n't think that I made the Oct 15th deadline since my SAT scores might have been late. Hmmmm so if the scores were late then does that mean I did not make the deadline and I am getting a rejection letter? Or did the scores come in on time and I have a 50/50 chance? I am spending way too much energy on this :bugeyes: I am going to go crazy!

Don't worry about not making the Oct. deadline, the official deadline was Dec 1. Im sure as long as you had everything in by then you were considered along with the rest of us!!

My status has said ready for review for months now as well. Im at the same place, even if they don't accept me ill be happy to just know and then I can move on. This has been such a stressful time I will just be glad to be done with it at this point. Good luck everyone!

Yeah, my friend saw the status change, & within 3 days she got her acceptance letter. The letter was actually dated a couple of days BEFORE her status had actually changed. If they had sent it out the actual day it was dated, that would mean it took a week to get almost. That is why I am freaking out! I hope that is the way it worked with me; maybe they already knew but just have updated it & mailed it cause I don't know if I can stand waiting an entire week before getting it (hope that makes sense)! And I also hope, like hers, it is an acceptance letter-not a rejection! I am just thankful that one prayer was answered: I prayed all weekend that I would at least get a status change so I can get a letter & know one way or another! I just have put it in God's hands & know that whether I get in or not is up to Him & He knows what is best for me! Thanks to all for the support, & as always, my prayers are with you as well as myself!

Def. don't worry about not making the deadline. One girl I know didn't get in and actually got that letter back at Thanksgiving. I guess we can all look at it like this, if they knew they didn't want us at all, they would have sent us a letter then. At least they think we all have potential. I'll take that over nothing else.

You are absolutely right gadawg88!! That is what I thought all has to be somewhat positive for us, or we would have already gotten rejected! And I third that motion about the deadline. It is okay to have had additional stuff come in even after that deadline is what I was long as you had your app. done....but even then, like everyone else said, the final deadline was Dec., so I am sure you made it before then!

I was accepted and received my letter within 3 days of my status change. I hope this helps and GOOD LUCK to all of you!!!

Anyone heard anything yet?!?! Im praying for yall and I really hope yall get good news! :wink2:

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