MCC nursing applicants for 2015

U.S.A. Michigan


Hello everyone!

I've been obsessively reading over the threads for the 2013 and 2014 applicants, but I thought I'd see if anyone will be applying to the Nursing program at Macomb Community College for 2015. I am a transfer student from Texas and will be taking A&P this summer then intro to Nursing (since MCC requires that you take their specific course) and micro in the Fall. I'm so excited to get back into school and was wondering if anyone is following along the same timeline.:up:

She means rank 70 of 160 got called up to be an August start. Meaning 30 people either didn't want to start in August or declined their spot. Meaning her as an alternate has a better shot of being in the program.

Ohh I see. I thought she was saying that alternate 70 was moved up to 30 lol.

I just meant that if you are one of the 160 and you get told you start a certain month but would LIKE to start earlier: get your books and supplies just in case they call you to fill a spot. A lot of people decided last minute they wanted to start LATER so then they need to find someone to switch with. This wouldn't change the alternate list.

WOO-HOO! I am in! Can't wait to meet you all!


Hey! Could you add me please? Julie Seaman! Thank you!

i am ready to start whenever, but how would I buy the books not knowing what my classes are or what the requirements are for the books? When will we get that info?

You can see all the books required for each class on web advisor the same way that you can for every other class!

Has anyone herd of anyone declining their spot?

the alternates can call Macomb and ask what number they are up to on the alternate list. they can give you that info.

Congrats everyone! I've read this whole thread trying to get some insight because I've applied to the nursing program at St. Clair Community College and there is almost no up to date information on this site from student at SC4. I got a 90 on my hesi and have a 3.4, i'm suppose to find out at the end of this month if I get in! If accepted scores are the same for MCC then I have a really good chance! but SC4 only accepts about 100 into the program, so i'm really nervous!

Macomb Students: On the hesi math portion are we allowed to use a calculator that is provided on the computer ?

@Nurseelizabethm I'm in the same boat as you. This month isn't going by fast enough. Good luck!

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