MCC nursing applicants for 2015

U.S.A. Michigan


Hello everyone!

I've been obsessively reading over the threads for the 2013 and 2014 applicants, but I thought I'd see if anyone will be applying to the Nursing program at Macomb Community College for 2015. I am a transfer student from Texas and will be taking A&P this summer then intro to Nursing (since MCC requires that you take their specific course) and micro in the Fall. I'm so excited to get back into school and was wondering if anyone is following along the same timeline.:up:

I applied for 2016 at Macomb Community college, and i got my letter today. They ranked me 168, do you think I have chance to get in ...

open position : 160

Total ranked 304

Your admission ranked 168

Is that mean I am on waiting list #8

Any idea, pls let me know.

Yes that means you are alternate number 8 and you have a very good chance of still getting in!

Yes that means you are alternate number 8 and you have a very good chance of getting called!!

I started one under Macomb Community College 2016, there are several people who have posted that they've gotten their letters.

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