Published Apr 16, 2013
hope3456, ASN, RN
1,263 Posts
With healthcare reform - aren't paper MARS supposed to be banished and all health care facilities will have to start using electronic MARs and charting? This is what I have heard - does anyone know details? I know some LTCs are using computers but it sounds like a lot of them are still using paper. What system does your facility use and what do you think of it?
683 Posts
I thought it was by 2015, bu some states are requiring it sooner. The facilities I have dealt with it is a combination of all paper, all computer, or both. I have dealt with Momentum (pretty good), Achieve Matrix (really liked it), Point Click Care (good).
157 Posts
Still 100% paper charting here. Computers are basically only for e-mail and some med re-ordering. Located in FL.
CapeCodMermaid, RN
6,092 Posts
We have EMARS and ETARS. In 8 weeks we're going 100% electronic. I'll let you know how it's going.
I worked in a facility where it was all paper charting and it drove me crazy. Where I am now is a paper MAR system that has been in place 23 years! But we make progress notes on computer. It seems to me that a EMAR would greatly reduce errors in LTC and you could do the med pass faster and easier.
I agree with hope3456. I think an EMAR would also ease some transcriptions woes that also come with a paper MAR system. Also, perhaps medication re-ordering could become somewhat more automated?
905 Posts
I am a new nurse but I used paper MARs for about a month and then we switched to EMAR. EMAR is sooooo easy. Only hurdle is entering orders but it is easy to learn after a while. Can't believe there are facilities without plans to transition.
It is so frustrating to know the technology exists to make our job easier and safer for patients but facilities will not implement it. I have heard that the "older nurses" who are usually in management - are intimidated of using EHR.
76 Posts
On my regular job we use EMARS (which I love) and paper charting (which I hate). The best thing about the EMAR is the medication orders. I also work in a facility PRN that has paper MARS and computer charting. Of the two the EMAR is more liberating than the computer charting.
Havin' A Party!, ASN, RN
2,722 Posts
Heard the deadline was 2014.
I've done some research on this and only hospitals and clinics are required to switch to EHR - it doesn't apply to LTC. Which is disappointing.
Very disappointing. My facility is pretty responsible compared to the horror stories I've read about LTC here on AN, but a lot of our small issues when it comes to scripts, med changes, change of month MARs, etc. seem like they would all be much better or fixed altogether if an EMAR was in place... sigh