how many times


I was just wondering. How many times can you take the NCLEX exam before they make you stop. What would happen after that.

I was reading about someone who said they only had one more time to take it.

I was just wondering. How many times can you take the NCLEX exam before they make you stop. What would happen after that.

I was reading about someone who said they only had one more time to take it.

Good question!

I would like to know this too. :specs:

It's up to your state board of nursing. By clicking on the Resources tab at the upper right corner of the page and choosing Boards of Nursing, you can find a link for your state BON.

Thank you. For Kansas its every 45 days up tp 2 years. Thats like 8 test a year. So 16 total times for my state. WOW, thats a lot.

Then after that they tell you to take a refresher class. Another option is to make a study plan and turn it into the board and they have to approve it AND then a licensed person must make sure you do the studying and write a paper on it saying that you did study.

Does anyone know how long you must wait to retest in MO, i can't find it on the BON site.

Does anyone know how long you must wait to retest in MO, i can't find it on the BON site.

In one of my NCLEX study guides appendices for BONs it lists MO's reexamination limitations as every 91 days. I do not know how accurate this is because they also list 91 days for CA when I know it to be 45 days. Book was published in 2006.

The majority of the states actually have a three test rule, before one has to go thru some type of review or coursework before being permitted to retest. And there are a few that will not permit one to test again without completing a full nursing program if over the three attempts.

Only a few have actual unlimited times, CA is one of them.

If this is of any consequence for you, you should be checking directly with the BON for your state.

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