many rejection letters crying all day..

Specialties CRNA


I applied to 4 schools and received interviews at 3 so far went to one back in oct. and received denial letter few weeks later from Trover/Murray state. Was quite a blow but really felt like that was not the school for me. Interview process was really stressfull and was my first so I did not shine. My next interview was at CAMC/Marshall University and I loved the school and enjoyed the whole interview process was so relaxed and felt confident. Then I got an interview at Cincinnati I went to that and also liked the school and felt I had a good interview.

Just received denial letter from Cincy and now a letter from CAMC that they are going to hold my application till feb.. This is killing me.. I just dont know what else to do to make my self a better candidate?????//

I have one more application out there and that is to University of tennesse in Knoxville and I believe they interview in march. I am nervous should I apply to more schools???Or wait and hope on CAMC??? I really liked CAMC....

Any suggestions would be appreciated. I am retaking the GRE in January to help out at CAMC.. They suggested that.

I know after 18 years as a critical care nurse being a CRNA is what I am meant to be but getting into school is quite a challenge.. Thanks for any help... SUE

Six blocks away from me is a wonderful school, Barry University.

Yes Barry is one of the schools with deadlines in July so I have their application and will mail it out next month. Thanks again for all the encouragement..

Air what school will you be going to?? Congrats..

Hopefully one day soon I will be able to announce that I too have been accepted... I am willing to move to go to school that is why I have a wide varience in where I applied.

Kentucky,West Virginia, Cincinnati, Arkansas, Pennsylvania, north Carolina.... If I add Barry that will be florida too..... ok good luck ...


This may be a dumb question, but how are you handling the recommendations for all the different schools?

It seems many schools have their own form, while some want a written recommendation in a sealed envelope. Do you have a lot of different people giving recommendations or a few people giving a lot of them?

It seems everyone wants one from the current supervisor. I'm a little worried that the last one a supervisor wrote might not be as glowing as the first one if I request too many. I'm not applying this year, but I'm starting to think about how I will be handling these things when I apply next year. What is everyone's take on this?

Well the first 4 schools I applied I picked 4 people and sent or gave them all the forms from each of the schools and then a stamped envelope with stamp addressed to me and asked them to sign the back and mail back to me asap. I made sure I allowed a least a month to get them back. Then I placed each one in sealed envelope in 2 day mailer and mailed everything together. I put intials on the front of the envelopes to know which school the form inside went to and then the references intials so I could keep track of which ones I was waiting on. I emailed each of the references and told them what was on the way. I asked way in advance for their help and they agreed . I also included a little about what each school was looking for by sending them a short page off the internet of the schools mission etc.

When I applied to the last three I handed out my references and asked for assistance. My boss typed me up a nice letter to go with each one also and then filled out each form. It may be best to have them all organized and ready and allow the reference plenty of time to write each one.. Hope this helps

Hi Pleasetakeme,

I am new to this board, and I am in the same boat. I noticed that you applied to the University of TN, Knoxville. I sent my application out a couple of weeks ago. This is my first time applying, and I am NERVOUS. I am sure you will do great.

Good luck to you and keep me posted. :wink2:

I applied to 17, if you wanna go... drop the dough.

if you through enough crap against the wall.... something is gonna stick

get my point. why limit yourself? don't want to move? cant afford it? no excuse cuz the people your competing against do make any excuses either.


I don't completely agree with you. First of all, you must take into consideration that some people have families. To uproot your spouse who has an excellent job, with great benefits, doing what they love, seems unfair and selfish. In addition, some people have children who are in grade school....that have friends and have developed a pattern of normalcy. This, too, seems unfair.

Also, take into account that some people choose particular schools for a reason. If you choose to send a large number of applications...that's your business and there's nothing wrong with doing it that way. However, some people choose to send applications to schools that they truly feel fit them. No excuses....just personal preference.

I thank you all for your support and encouragement.. I am very fortunate to have an awesome husband who is willing to go where ever I get accepted.. My children (4) are all looking forward to an adventerous move which they know will enhance their mother and also help them in the long run.. I am ready for what ever God has planned for me... Good luck to everyone..

Sounds like you are pro-active and not letting yourself get kicked down! I am really proud of you and everyone of us who has to swallow our pride when a form letter may arrive. I know that you must have the "stuff" to make it. The point now is to find a program with a good fit for you. Believe me, when we least expect it sometimes we end up counting our blessings!

Thank you all for this thread! I am applying at CSUF and am holding my breath for an interview. Come what may, you've all reinforced that you can't stop a dream! :cool:

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