Ok, I've searched the web and done a fair amount of reading on here. I truly don't know where to post this because I'm kind of a pre-nursing student, but I need input from current nurses. Bear with me please!! I graduated with my ADN back in 2004. Truthfully, I never should have graduated. I'm one of those folks that slipped through the cracks somehow. I was fresh out of high school and newly married and thought it would be as easy as high school, WRONG! I had no previous CNA experience, so I didn't have a clue what I was getting myself into. I failed the NCLEX twice and pretty much gave up after that. From what I had found, NC required a license to take a refresher course, and I am not a "sit down with a book and learn it yourself" kind of person. I need a class, with instructors, and listening and so on. I kept on working as a CNA (in both hospital and long term care facilities) and had two kids.
Fast forward to 2013, I was tired of feeling like a failure and decided that I wanted to get my life back on track. My head and heart are in the right place now and I know exactly what I want. Knowing that I needed the education all over again, I decided to apply to another ADN program because 1) BSN program is too far away right now 2) cost. I applied for that and the LPN. I got alternate for both, and was just offered a spot in the LPN program. Now, my goal is to gain as much knowledge as possible so I can pass the NCLEX-RN and take a refresher course. I have a few days to answer for the LPN spot because the ADN calls have not all been made yet. I am fully aware that the PN and RN NCLEXes cover different scopes of nursing, but in your opinions, would the LPN course help jog my memory and get me close to, or ready for, the NCLEX-RN? Things may have changed, but last I saw there was no time limit to take it in NC. I guess I ought to look into that as well!