Published Jan 24, 2007
2 Posts
I am a CNA getting ready to begin my LPN classes in July. However, I have been told by various ppl I have met in the medical field that it is not worth going for anymore as they are fading out the position. Is this true? Others have said that a LPN is nothing more than an underpaid RN....Is that true too? I'm not sure if I want to be an RN. The LPN program is 11 mos. From there I could bridge over to the RN program if I felt this would be a path I wanted to pursue. Any thoughts and advice will be very much appreciated.
Thank you.~
38,333 Posts
Many people go the LPN route b/c of long waiting lists for RN programs. It is better to get an LPN license and a chance of a job than to wait and wait some more. Many use their LPN license to work their way through RN school. I remember in some of my texts when I was in BSN school that the "big plan" was for the LPN role to give way to two types of RN roughly equivalent to 2 yr RN and 4 yr RN. This was proposed as long ago as the late 50's, early 60's. As you can see, not much progress. Of course, it is to the industry's advantage to pay LPNs less than RNs. But the forked tongue syndrome exists when you find many acute care hosp systems doing away w/the LPN role. You can be very happy in your role of LPN, provided you get the positions that you find fulfilling. However, the jobs have to be available. Just look at any want ad section of the newspapers or on the job websites on the internet. You will find less and less opportunities for LPNs.
KellNY, RN
710 Posts
If you don't have your heart set on working in a hospital, then you won't find trouble getting a job as an LPN, esp if you like (or don't mind) LTC. They're staffed primarily with LPNs.
TheCommuter, BSN, RN
102 Articles; 27,612 Posts
In the middle 1960s, professional nursing organizations started predicting that all LPNs would be phased out of the healthcare system. So far, it hasn't quite happened. LPNs are slowly, but surely, being phased out of hospital employment. However, long-term care (nursing homes) is the wave of the future due to all of the baby boomers who will become elderly within the next 10-20 years. Most, if not all, nursing homes are staffed with LPNs. Another strong career option for LPNs is home health nursing.
8,343 Posts
Better send human resources a memo--my employer has over 110 vacancies for LPNs in active treatment....
You need to study the job market in YOUR area and make your own choice. If I had to work LTC, I would give up nursing and this is a common sentiment in my province. Understaffed and underfunded is not my idea of a good working environment.
931 Posts
I agree with Fiona59. It seems that here in Ontario, Canada, many but not all hospitals are no longer hiring LPN's, yet the are all very short on $$$.
pagandeva2000, LPN
7,984 Posts
I don't see this happening, really. In New York, there are LPNs that work in hospitals (I work in one), LTC, prisons, home care (I do that, too) assisted living as well as clinics, detox and community nursing. There are few schools here that actually train LPNs, so, they are just as competitive as RN programs in my area. But, I have to say that thus far, I had my license since June 2006, and had three positions. I'm not complaining. There are so many ways to become an RN these days...Excelsior and other on line courses-if you are able to study independently and are disciplined. I'd say go wherever they take you first. From my experience, making the money for an LPN is certainly out there.
250 Posts
As others have said LPN's are being phased out of many acute care settings. As The Commuter said LTC business and skilled care rehab facilities are cropping up all over the place. These professional nursing organizations better hope LPN's don't completely fade out or most of the nursing homes in this nation would close down.