Los Angeles County College of Nursing LVN-RN 2016

U.S.A. California



I will be applying for the Los Angeles County College of Nursing LVN-RN bridge program for summer 2016. I was wondering if there was anyone else applying for this program? Also, if any graduates from this program recommend the LVN-RN or generic route? I have 3.5 years of LVN experience. Thanks! I looks forward to the replies!

Don't be worried! It must be a good thing:yes: Maybe they are calling to ask you if you're still interested. I read a few other blogs that the school sometimes calls before sending out the letter. Be excited about this before worrying. BTW, my name is Jen. I hope we get in!!!

Hi Jen, I'm endy. I'm definitely still interested, if that's what it's about. I hope we get in

Did you take the exam on 3/11? Your name sounds familiar.. Good luck! Let me know how it goes!

No I took mine on 03/04. And thanks, I'll post here as soon as I hear back

So I followed up on the email and I've been accepted into the program... yay!!!!

I'm at work and just can't stop smiling. I'm sure people think I'm going crazy, just grinning like that lol. Good luck everyone. Keep us posted.

That is awesome!!!! I knew it would be good news!!! Congrats! Now you have me worried lol!! Hopefully I get news soon.... Good news that is

I'm sure you'll get good news soon. Sorry to get you worried.

Don't be sorry!!! I just gotta keep my faith strong:up: Your acceptance made everything seem so much more real. I actually just called and they said they are sending out letters. Hopefully I'll know by next week. Did they base it off your points? If you don't mind me asking, how many did you have?

I only got 84 points, I know there are people here with like 90 points. I think it's based on that, I wonder why they contacted me and told me already ;-)

Wow that's great! I'm surprised they reached out to you via email. That's a first I've heard of. I did not earn the extra 5 Points on the teas exam so I ended up with a 78. Hopefully I'll get some news soon. I'll keep you updated!

Congratulations Endy, great job! Hope to hear from them soon too :). I didn't realize that waiting this long would be so excruciating cause it feels as if my life is on hold. I'm worried cause I'm scheduled to take Developmental Psych in May, so I hope they don't count that against me. I can't concentrate on anything else and I'm suppose to be working on assignments for my speech class, ughhh.

Thanks lencd, how many points do you have? I think decisions are mostly based on the points. But I understand how you feel about waiting, it's not a good feeling. Hope you all hear back soon, good luck.

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