Looking for work in Cali!!!!!!!!!!!


Specializes in CVIR, Tele, Post open heart, step-down.

Hey guys I am currently finishing up a contract in Georgia (July 15). I am very interested in going out to California to make some extra money for the rest of the summer. The thing is I dont want to sign another 13 week contract. Are there any agnecies or hospitals willing to put me to work for 1 week periods????

I have a friend of a friend who supposedly came out and was making $5-7,000 per week. I am willing to work 16 hour days for 6-7 days a week for 2-3 weeks at a time.

Any and all information about Cali and nursing jobs would be greatly appreciated.

Sounds a little too good to be true...I had a nurse tell me LPN's were making $70/hr at a hospital in Houston, TX, but I never found it.

Hey guys I am currently finishing up a contract in Georgia (July 15). I am very interested in going out to California to make some extra money for the rest of the summer. The thing is I dont want to sign another 13 week contract. Are there any agnecies or hospitals willing to put me to work for 1 week periods????

I have a friend of a friend who supposedly came out and was making $5-7,000 per week. I am willing to work 16 hour days for 6-7 days a week for 2-3 weeks at a time.

Any and all information about Cali and nursing jobs would be greatly appreciated.

Er, uh...even medical residents are limited to working 80 hours weeks in many places. 112 hours in a week? Yikes!!!! I guess you don't need much sleep?


Remember that it is your license at stake. With that many hours, you would not be practicing safely.............and a good chance of never being to work as a nurse again. Is that really worth it to you?

Also, in California, the hospitals are required to pay double time after 12 hours, and you are not going to find too many willing to do that, unless they are really desperate. And if they are, then I would probably run as fast I could away from them. Patient safety has to remain number one.

And you would be responsible for all of your own housing, etc............

send me a private message and I can give you my company in california for 7 12-hour shifts in one week I would net over $4700 a week. My last contract was for 8 weeks and I extended for one more week. Was able to put back a nice amount of money for CRNA school. Not sure if you are going to find any 2-3 week contracts, but you could do per diem. As far as 16-hour shift I worked them very frequently in the Bay Area and the hospitals never complained once. My last shift at Kaiser was for over 19 hours.

Hey guys I am currently finishing up a contract in Georgia (July 15). I am very interested in going out to California to make some extra money for the rest of the summer. The thing is I dont want to sign another 13 week contract. Are there any agnecies or hospitals willing to put me to work for 1 week periods????

I have a friend of a friend who supposedly came out and was making $5-7,000 per week. I am willing to work 16 hour days for 6-7 days a week for 2-3 weeks at a time.

Any and all information about Cali and nursing jobs would be greatly appreciated.

Well...it may not apply to you...but the San Jose Mercury just ran an article in the Real Estate Section. Nearly all of the housing in the Bay Area has increased in price between 21-40% within the last year. And I already thought my house had increased in price quite a bit LAST YEAR.


If they are making that much in Cali it is important to find out about the cost of living. In the Bay Area and othe places like San Diego, the cosy of living is extremly expensive and thats why the hospitals are paying big bucks.

If they are making that much in Cali it is important to find out about the cost of living. In the Bay Area and othe places like San Diego, the cosy of living is extremly expensive and thats why the hospitals are paying big bucks.

What a wonderful thought that a person could work for a few months pulling in around $15 grand a month and go back home to live the rest of the year and not have to worry about working!

Maybe I'm just a dreamer, but this to me is a dream worth looking into! Reckon a person could pull their own travel trailer and park it at an RV park in the Bay area and live in that while they worked, and then pull the trailer back home, then come back again the next year...? Kind of like a migrant worker, and it could be like your second home.

The rates you mentioned sound very high... there are quite a few agencies, I would call some of them and check up on this. The cost of living out here is VERY high, but I think many travel agencies pitch in for housing as well, don't they?

But I know that the San Francisco Bay Area has a great need for nurses (or at least nurses in critical care), and the pay is excellent. The pay is great for staff nurses as well.

Hey guys I am currently finishing up a contract in Georgia (July 15). I am very interested in going out to California to make some extra money for the rest of the summer. The thing is I dont want to sign another 13 week contract. Are there any agnecies or hospitals willing to put me to work for 1 week periods????

I have a friend of a friend who supposedly came out and was making $5-7,000 per week. I am willing to work 16 hour days for 6-7 days a week for 2-3 weeks at a time.

Any and all information about Cali and nursing jobs would be greatly appreciated.

Have you thought about working as an Independant Contractor instead of working for an agency who takes 75% of the money that you are earning? I would never work agency again. NSO offers for UNDER $100.OO. Think about it. You could make more than enough to buy you own medical insurance. You might have to get a business license, but they are not usually too expensive. Mine in Washington cost $25.00. More nurses should go the route of Independant Contractors, and call your own shots, instead of working for an agency. You could go through an agency, and they would just take out you taxes for you.

Lindarn, RN, BSN, CCRN

Spokane, Washington

Specializes in ER, NICU, NSY and some other stuff.

For very short contracts they usually just give you a stipend or put you in an extended stay.

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