Published Dec 21, 2009
12 Posts
Please anyone out there that has information on a textbook. Foundation of psychiatric and mental health nursing by Varcarilis 6th edition, I have the 5th edth but i do not know if there are major difference in the book that worth buying the new one, because it is so expensive and i am short of cash now
148 Posts
Here's what I found for 6th edition-
$67.96 New
$56.49 Rental
Not sure what prices you came up with so hopefully this is better? :)
110 Posts
can you find someone at your school who already took the class to borrow theirs? Just a suggestion my other would be amazon and the poster above already suggested that!
38,333 Posts
From personal experience with texts, I can tell you that there is probably not enough of a difference to make it necessary to have the latest edition. I suggest going to the Chegg website and renting the 5th edition. I rented one text this term that was one edition old, (our instructor specifically said it was ok), for $11.99 for the entire semester. I doubt that you can beat that anywhere else unless someone gives you the sixth edition for free.
49 Posts
CHEGG'S ROCKS!!! Thank goodness my nursing instructor turned me onto it. By the way, good luck with the psych nursing. It is just not my forte, and hats off to those wonderful nurses who can do it.
32 Posts
Short on cash?
split the textbook with friends
rent from the library and make copies
rent from a website
...Good Luck!
locolorenzo22, BSN, RN
2,396 Posts
i went to marketplace and bought used for every book, my thoughts being that since I went to school, I may want to look up something again someday....although I haven't cracked them in about 1.5
Oohhh get your money back and sell back your textbook! Some websites actually pay for shipping!
41 Posts
30 Posts
What is the cheapest that YOU found it and where ?
NM nurse to be
172 Posts
OHH! This is timely for me! I had no idea there were rent a book websites out there! I just made a huge order from Amazon yesterday and was happy that it beat the school store by a lot. I have one more that wasn't available that I can look at some of these links for. Thanks!!
Guest 360983
357 Posts
You search for your book, and it looks at Amazon, Amazon marketplace,, Chegg, and a few other sites, and tells you how much your book would cost from each website. and also rent books.