Lonestar 2014 Fall Hopefuls!

U.S.A. Texas


Ok I know it's very early starting this but I am so excited I couldn't help it! Application period doesn't even start until January! My journey has been a long one and I am seeing the light at the end of the tunnel so I am sharing a little of that experience here and I would love to hear from others as well.

I just received my clearance letter from the BON so I am clear to apply in January for North Harris and Montgomery ADN programs, unfortunately I missed Kingwood. At this point I have an 11.1 and I'm about to retake the HESI so we shall see what is in store for me. I'm done with all my pre-reqs for my BSN and I'm so ready to start the next phase of my education and get on with more taking care of people! It's been 25 years since I decided I wanted to be a nurse. Twenty years of raising my kids, taking care of soldiers' families and single soldiers and eight years of riding in an ambulance later, I'm ready to follow my dream! Watch me go!

Thats great amberly! Hopefully ill get mine real soon too.

I'm Cyfair, can't wait to get blue card so that I can check it off my list. Then I just need to do my physical on Monday and I'm done.

Yes you should bet getting yours soon!

No...actually, I got super busy at work that day, and didn't get a chance to email her. :( Did you order yours?

Do you know if there's a Facebook page for our class yet or anything like that?

There is one for north Harris

There is also one for Cyfair

Southern doll I ordered mine this morning and bought two patches to sew on my scrubs. I also emailed Necia to get a temporary access code so I can start reading the text.

Hey guys,

my sister and I were both alternates for Montgomery...ADN program....we both got calls today and accepted!!! Yay! We attended the alternate orientation in tomball...but if someone who attended Montgomery's could give me any info, I would appreciate it...like...which scrubs they wear, what type of shoes they require and when we should get our books...etc...bc we went over what tomball wants. I am on facebook: Terra Burnett ....I cant get private messages on here for some reason. So...if your waiting on a call and your an alternate..keep your phone with you!!!

I was accepted for the lvn at cy fair and my classes start June 2. I was hoping to receive a call for the ADN program but since classes for the lvn start in 2 weeks I might have to just stick with that since I'm not for sure I'll get a call

Congrats advocaremom! I couldn't figure out which one was you on Facebook I'm Corinne Rodgers if you wanna try to find me. Scrubs are white top and teal bottoms. White shoes, they didn't really go in to much detail on those. We can wear any color scrubs to labs on campus but we have to wear the white and teal to clinicals. I have the email to the person who has our textbook packages along with prices and I can always scan in copies of the papers we got to email them to you. If you your sister and even southern doll or any adn Montgomery people want to grab some coffee let me know!

Question for you guys - When you all took your HESI, did you take it at Lonestar? If so, did you get your results immediately or have to wait? Thanks for any information!! :)

Congrats to all who were accepted :up:

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