Published Jun 12, 2009
NurseLoveJoy88, ASN, RN
3,959 Posts
today during the exam some us students actually laugh out loud due to this one exam question. here's the question: patient just received postive hiv results from a oraquick test, what should the nurse advise the pt. to do ? one of the answers was advise the patient to make funeral arrangements. ofcourse this was not the correct answer but i sure hope no one picked this one !
another lol question i had a couple of semesters ago was : what clinical manifestation would a person with diabetes have ? one of the answers was " polythirstia" i was hoping no one got that one wrong either... but sure enough someone picked polythirstia instead of polydipsia !
have you ever had a lol test question.
1,007 Posts
ha ha ha! that was so funny!
This is kinda unrelated to my Original post but just wanted to shout out that : I passed my exam ! Just got my grade 10 minutes ago. I have two more exams, two more careplans, a pop quiz, 4 more weekends of clinical, and one more paper before I graduate in 6 weeks. Whoo hoo ! I can finally see the light.
134 Posts
On our last psych test we had a question: Pt's being admitted to the unit admit's that he is suicidal. What is your first nursing action? One of the choices was "give him a gun"
68 Posts
I never had "gimme" answers like that on any of my exams. Kinda defeats the purpose.
I disagree. Its not like all three choices were gimme answers. Some questions I can automatically eliminate one or two, then there are some where all 4 answers look either all right or all wrong. I think its just comical. I just hope you are not implying that our test questions are easy. If thats the case ask those who failed this exam.
25 Posts
I had one for Microbiology --
Which is not used to describe bacteria?....
and the correct answer was .....
wait for it........
TASTE ................. :barf01:
You could tell how far along on the test thyat every person was based on the giggles, snickers and gags sounding off throughout the room. :lol_hitti
ImMrBill3, RN
116 Posts
On a couple of exams we had a gimme, but I am not sure if they accepted any answer. The question was either, "This class has been..." or "Such and such instructor is..."
I wondered if the people who really didn't like the class or instructor went out on a limb and I never did find out if they accepted all answers as correct or threw out the question or what.
Congrats on being almost done!!!
ME TOO. 2 weekly evals, 1 preplan, 1 care plan, 4 tests one final, 2 clinical logs, another 150 hours of clinical and in 8 short weeks I am done. Gee it sounds like more when I spell it all out and then remember the additional 8 online tests and two ATIs, but after 3.5 years I feel like I can hold my breath for 2 months.
238 Posts
It was just before Christmas, and we were working on our micro final. You could have heard a pin drop. All heads down, frantic scribbling going on, agonized expressions. You get the picture. At the end of the exam and bottom of the page was a bonus question. "Identify the components of this diagram." Oh boy! Not another "which microbe is this" question! Nope. Turned the page and there staring at me was a large circle (the dish) with 8 identical line drawings inside. They were reindeer. LOL! I drew our wonderful teacher a big smiley face, named Rudolph and Prancer and then started naming dwarfs.