preceptor for practicum requirement


Specializes in Hey, I am GCU student.

My name is Almaz Taye, and I am a final-year BSN student at Grand Canyon University (GCU). I am looking preceptor's RN with healthcare organization for my practicum  project .

The practicum requirement is 10 hours per week for 10 weeks 100 hours, I would greatly appreciate being connected to discuss this further.


Almaz Taye

602 488 2077

Specializes in Vents, Telemetry, Home Care, Home infusion.

What is your practicums focus? In-person or line requirements --- this info will help our members considering preceptorship.

Specializes in Hey, I am GCU student.

Thank you so much for replying , it's in person 10 hours per week for 10 weeks. Total will be 100 hours this is for my final project .


thank you 

Almaz Taye 

Specializes in Hey, I am GCU student.

The course is NRS 465 Applied Evidence-Based Project and Practicum for 10 hours/week, totaling to 100 hours. 50 of these hours need to focused on Community, 50 of the hours need to be focused on Leadership.

Is this a pre-licensure program? I have never heard of a pre-licensure program forcing their students to find their own preceptors, or even an undergraduate nursing program or any kind doing this. 

Specializes in Hey, I am GCU student.

I have RN license but I did three years associate degree in  my state requires BSN, so doing online BSN at GCU.

Most  of student work at hospitals they don't have issues like me .

Certainly am not working at hospital.

thank you for asking 

Almaz said:

I have RN license but I did three years associate degree in  my state requires BSN, so doing online BSN at GCU.

Most  of student work at hospitals they don't have issues like me .

Certainly am not working at hospital.

thank you for asking 

Ah, I see. Regardless, I sympathize with your situation. I dislike any program that forces students to find their own preceptors.

Specializes in Hey, I am GCU student.

Yea, I was shocked and never expected that, I am at end of my course.

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