Living situation

Nurses General Nursing


Hi guys! I hope is is ok to post this here. It is not a nursing question per se, but it is job related. My roomie and I are going to be moving soon. The place we live now is nice but noisy, and I don't work days (eves and some nites), and I am worried about the place we are going to move. When we applied, we knew there was only one empty unit. We got approved, and now we just found out it's the one right on the end, next to the busy intersection. Problem is, I am afraid it's going to be too noisy for me during morning rush - I do NOT want to get woken up every am by stupid traffic 4 hours or so after going to bed. But I don't know what to do. We can stay month to month where we are, but it's noisy here too. Roomie thinks we should give the new place a shot, but I want to see if we can be on a waitlist or something. She works 7-3, though, so the she would already be up, so traffic is not really a big deal for her. Trouble is, if we let them give away the one empty that they have, who knows how long we will have to wait for another one to open up! And the situation is the same everywhere we looked. We don't have tons of money to spend on rent, but we still want a safe, relatively nice place. All the safe places we could afford have very little choice as to which unit we take. Pretty much any other unit in this particular place would work. What would you guys do? I'm stressing trying to decide! I hope this makes sense! Thanks!:trout:

Specializes in ER.

I had my first very small apt a block away from a fire station, and got woken with a jerk from the sirens about twice a night. Once I got used to the normal noise of a new place I mind them- would wake halfway and go right back to sleep.

Get that fan though to drown out the majority of it.

champagne or vodka might be able to help 'till you move to a less noisy place :lol2:

I had my first very small apt a block away from a fire station, and got woken with a jerk from the sirens about twice a night. Once I got used to the normal noise of a new place I mind them- would wake halfway and go right back to sleep.

Get that fan though to drown out the majority of it.

I actually live right across a fire station righ tnow. The problem isn't the sirens passing, it's that they would be frequently stopping irght outside my window. And I don't care if I am a nurse, I'm not getting up twice a week after only a couple of hours of sleep to rush out to fender-benders. Please don't flame me for saying that, it's not what the discussion is about. It's just that that is really what the priblem is, that the accidents will be basically in my lap. And that lots of people around here think that horn-honking is the way to make traffic move. Like I said the accidents are ususally minor, but it happens quite often there because it is a terrible intersention. It seems ilke most of you are saying move there anyway, and I can't make up my mind what to do. Sometimes I feel like I should just go for it, and other times I feel like my gut is telling me not to. Maybe I'm just a little weirded out by the fact that I drove by that boarded up window for several weeks after that accident I talked about before, and saw the smoke marks on the side of the building...maybe I just don't want that to be my home. I don't know what my problem is!

Do you need to get out of your current apartment quickly? Maybe staying put for now and putting yourself on a waiting list for another unit in the new complex is the better thing to do? It sounds like you really aren't comfortable with this end unit thats available.

Sounds to me that the proposed end unit is not for you. Try to work something out in your current complex to find a more quiet unit or look elsewhere. Be careful with earplugs. I hurt one of my eardrums with an earplug.

Specializes in Med/surg,Tele,PACU,ER,ICU,LTAC,HH,Neuro.


TV playing.

I used to live near a train track.

For the first month you jump up when one goes by, after awhile you sleep right through.

Tylenol PM might help.

I never use anything stronger though.

Specializes in Med-Surg, Trauma, Ortho, Neuro, Cardiac.

I second the notion of the fan. When I first moved in with my ex, I was working nights and there was a busy street nearby (actually during the rush hour it wasn't bad because the traffic slowed to a crawl, it was the rest of the time when I heard the cars driving by) and my floor fan turned on medium drowned out the noise. Now that I'm in my quiet home, it's too quiet without the fan and I still run it. :)

It's tough working nights sometimes.

Specializes in Med/surg,Tele,PACU,ER,ICU,LTAC,HH,Neuro.

I do remember one apartment I lived in. I ran out in broad daylight in pajamas and curlers yelling at my neighbor (who had also been one of my patients) To quit yelling at her kids I was trying to sleep..PHHH. This was in the south...The child's name was BUBBA DEAN....She had a high shrill southern drawl...

I felt like trailer park trash...sigh.

BUB-BA DEAN!!! BUB-BA DEAN!!! GET YOUR BUTT IN HERE RIGHT NOW !!BUB-BA DEAD.!!!............over and over and over she yelled .

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