Published Jul 3, 2015
121 Posts
5 1/2 yrs
1968 days
-162 days withdrew from program then restarted
1806 log in days
2 30 day outpatient programs
1 15 day relapse prevention
Self report converted to BON order
7 month Extention due to unable to find job
134 test
>$8,000 for test
>$15,000 treatment program
My contract completed today!
Learn from the past or you are doomed to repeat it.
Big Blondie, ASN, BSN, MSN, APRN
494 Posts
It takes what it takes! And you did it! Congrats.
sallyrnrrt, ADN, RN
2,398 Posts
Congratulations, and yes, your advice is right on!
dirtyhippiegirl, BSN, RN
1,571 Posts
285 Posts
40 Posts
[COLOR=#000000][/COLOR]Hi There,I saw your comment in one of the threads about a positive test. You hadmentioned you had a relapsed and had to start over? Here ismy story: I have less than a year with my monitoring and I drank onMother's Day. Got called on my positive test, I'm in California and the BON isgiving me 5 days to tell my story. I currently have a great job and mysupervisor is aware. I am hoping to extend probation and keep me in it, but Iam fearing the worst like suspension or even revocation. Can you tell me howlong it took for the BON to give you a decision? Did they suspend you then giveback your license? I AM SO ANXIOUS. Any feedback will greatly help. Thank you.Feel free to message me pls if you want.
720 Posts
82 Posts
WOW! You have earned this! Hope and encouragement for us all. Blessings!
It Took about 5 mo.