Published Nov 8, 2012
francoml, ASN, RN
147 Posts
As most of you all know, Colorado just approved recreational marijuana use. Does this mean that someone could test positive for THC and not face any repercussions?? I know you could not be intoxicated at work but if it is legal then how could it be held against you???
Rose_Queen, BSN, MSN, RN
6 Articles; 11,936 Posts
It is still federally illegal, and the BON can still make rules. Just like showing up at work drunk isn't technically illegal, the BON can still sanction one's license. I would imagine showing up at work stoned would be the same. Seeing as hospitals can test for nicotine and refuse to hire, the same can apply to marijuana.
But it is legal in the "State" and it is the "State" board of nursing that makes the rules... If alcohol is legal and you can drink on your time off then why can't you smoke on your time off.
138 Posts
Omg, is this for real? If it is, I pray you never take care of myself or any family or friends. You are a nurse and held to higher standards, that doesn't mean being high on ur days off. Ugh!!
klone, MSN, RN
14,856 Posts
Even though it's legal, individual employers can still have restrictions regarding its use (just like some employers have restrictions regarding other legal substances, such as tobacco). They can do random drug testing, and if you test positive for THC, you can be fired.
Personally, I'm delighted that 64 passed, but I personally will not be partaking (well, I might consider it if I had a 3-week vacation from work), because it's not worth my license or my job. My husband and I are toying with the idea of growing a plant in our home, though, just because we can. My husband said we will name it Hector. I'm not sure why.
But if it was smoked during off hours, and they're not high while working, why would you care? It's like alcohol. People can drink, and even get drunk, during their personal time, and come to work a day or two days later, and not be at all impaired.
lovinlife.... So i guess you have never had a glass of wine on your day off..
Alcohol (ETOH) is a drug the same way the marijuana (THC) is. Alcohol binds acetylcholine, serotonin, and GABA receptors to produce euphoria and sedation. THC binds cannaboid receptors to produce euphoria and sedation.
tntrn, ASN, RN
1,340 Posts
Washington state just passed a similar law as well. I have been having a FB discussion with friends about it. We decided we might start growing! haha Well, why not?
My question about using and working and random drug testing is the same as here. But I am retired, so....
Esme12, ASN, BSN, RN
20,908 Posts
JUst like facilities that don't hire those who smoke tobacco or have pain RX for pain. The facilities decide what they will accept in their employees and what they won't.
I understand that they can choose not to hire you or even fire you.... My main question is, can you loose your license for smoking pot ON YOUR TIME OFF.
edmia, BSN, RN
827 Posts
Unfortunately, this us all new so we won't know until the Colorado BON is faced with a case.
It would be irrational to sanction someone for using a legal substance while not at work just because it can be detected by testing long after it stopped having any effects, but have you ever heard of a rational decision by a BON?
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Yes, it's real and it will soon be a legal substance in all states. Just like alcohol and tobacco -- two substances that are much more harmful than marijuana. Actually, they are harmful while THC is not. I just think people are very ignorant on this issue and react to it from a personal moral point of view instead of actual facts.
I won't even get started on the absolute useless cost of jailing thousands for smoking a joint. Overcrowded prisons costing taxpayers millions of $$? Legalize marijuana and 2/3 of the prison population is diminished. And we don't ruin their lives by putting a conviction on their record so they can actually find jobs and have a productive life. And yes, smoke a joint every once in a while! Big (bleep) deal!