Published May 14, 2004
20 Posts
In my second week at my med/surg rotation my instructor came in and watched me perform a procedure where I took out a heplock. I placed the 2x2 gauze on my patients leg on top of the blankets so that I could have easy access to it in case it bled. When I was finished she said the procedure was good but I can not use the patient as a table I guess there was nurses fired and sued because of it. Have any of you heard of that? I have done that before too.
693 Posts
While it is preferable not to 'use your patient as a table', sometimes it is the best option in a crowded, underfurnished patient area. I'm not shy about asking coherant and able patients to hold things either, if I'm not doing a sterile procedure.
Never heard of anyone getting fired for it, but I haven't heard of lots of other things either.
Hellllllo Nurse, BSN, RN
2 Articles; 3,563 Posts
There has to be harm done to a pt to win a lawsuit. Never heard of suing for "using the pt as a table."
135 Posts
I am always using the patient as my fact I tell them that up front. What other choice is there? Thier unfinished meal is on the bedside table along with their books,glasses and water jug. There is no other place to do anything.
I have never heard anything about this...maybe some nurse left an uncapped needle or forget the IV needle in the bed and a patient was injured?
I do place any used uncapped needles on the floor...I never put used needles on the bed or the patient because that could be an accident waiting to happen.
gwenith, BSN, RN
3,755 Posts
"Using the patient as a table" implies that you are being rude to the patient by relegating them to the status of furniture. There is a vast difference between doing that and asking for patient co-operation. Next time just ask the patient if they mind if you put this there. Hardly anyone says no.
Thank you for replying I appreciate it. I was in an overcrowded room with visitor as well and I had no where else to place it but now that I know I will ask first. thanks again
2,099 Posts
In one word: RUBBISH.
615 Posts
I feel like I'm used as a piece of equipment all the time by the hospital, can I sue?
RN Rotten Nurse
71 Posts
your instructor sounds like a drama queen. she's feeding you a line of you know what.
799 Posts
Never heard of it being an issue, always have used the pt's lap to place things on that I am using on them and never had anyone gripe moan or complain. Your instructor is over reacting but if she wants you to ask, then do it or you will be in danger of getting failing marks against you in clinical. Good luck.