RN Rotten Nurse

RN Rotten Nurse

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  1. What is the answer to this crazy question?

    Wearing gloves does not protect someone while putting in eye drops. One could argue that it might if it were STERILE gloves.
  2. Faith Hill makes fun of nurses!

    I think I COULD actually kill someone with my singing.....................
  3. Please help me understand/Domestic Violence Question

    I'll try to find the exact statistics for you (and some literature to read) but I'll tell you now it's because they fear for their lives. More women get killed by their abusive partner AFTER they leave him/her than those that are actually living wit...
  4. Medical Insurance

    Have you checked into a HSA? Much cheaper premiums and designed for those who don't visit their doc that often.....
  5. baptizing a patient???

    As a quaker, I certainly would not baptize anyone as I don't see the point in it or anything ceremonial or symbolic, really. I would however try my hardest to find a priest or someone comfortable with baptisms for the families sake.
  6. Do Doctors Really Care?

    you need a colonscopy, NOW!
  7. Jay Leno slams nurses!

    Lighten up. He was just making a joke. I thought it was funny and I've been a nurse for 16 years!:rotfl:
  8. I saw something new and scary

    Premarin is made from horse urine.
  9. Watch Your Language - Breast Isn't Best!

    "STUDIES SHOW"! Would someone mind telling me where I can actually find 'THE STUDIES' that supposedly prove that breastfeeding produces smarter and healthier babies?
  10. Artificial feeding-Terri Schiavo

    Have YOU ever been severely dehydrated? I have! It makes you continually nauseated and your skin even hurts. I sure as heck don't want to die that way.
  11. What did I do wrong here?

    Wether or not sunnykc is a nurse does not matter. A question was asked and we should be kind enough to answer. To answer your question, you did NOTHING wrong. Walking into a busy ED sometimes feels like walking into what health care might be like ...
  12. Do I Have To Be A Brainiac To Get Thru Crna School?

    Well, by reading these posts I believe your question got answered. You do NOT need to be a brainiac to be a CRNA. hehehehe.
  13. What is your hospital's policy on supplemental feeding?

    Golly! I guess I'm just one of the lucky ones. I raised 2 babies on formula(not babies anymore, they're 19 and 15). Both healthy as horses and quite intelligent. Both received perfect attendance awards most years in school because they are never ...
  14. What is your hospital's policy on supplemental feeding?

    I have never been able to figure out what the big deal about breastfeeding is all about anyway. There are claims that it is healthier for the baby but I certainly haven't seen any proof of that given the breast fed infants I see in the ER. For one ...
  15. My dental hyginenist was surprised that I was an RN.

    A patient once thought I was a CNA because I answered her call light and took her to the bathroom. When I told her I was the house supervisor, she was surprised and said an RN had never taken her to the bathroom before. :uhoh21: