it's been a rough start to the new school year. my young 2nd grader has, what seems, a severe learning disablility. we have an appt next week for a psychologist, but it can't come soon enough. it's so frustrating for me and i'm sure just as bad, if not worse, for him. i usually end up getting angry and yelling at my child before our lessons are done. i know he can't help it, but i just don't understand. some of the simplest tasks such as remembering a nickel is 5 cents, a dime is 10 cents..... and counting by 5s and 10s this should be a learned skill by now and is by most 2nd graders. sometimes, he'll just throw a guess out tonight i wanted an odd number between 85-88 and he said 33. i'm so sorry and love my child very much. i am seeking help, i hope we can both get the help we need.
we had issues like this last year as well, but we both worked very hard and he earned fairly good grades. the school work is much more difficult this year, so we will be having a much harder time. i also had testing done last year, by the diagnostician at the public school, and showed my child to be at the lower end of the average student. this time we'll see a doctor that can put a definitive diagnoses and hopefully get the help we need.
is there anybody else out there that has been through this? please offer me some words of encouragement. it's awful. it was a bad night and i got upset, needless to say, my child and i were both crying!