Laptops and Nursing classes


I am bit concerned because I'm starting nursing school in the spring and I have a laptop that has been indispensible to me now, and likely then too. I have a Toshiba (1 GB RAM, 80 GB Hard Drive) that is two years old. I've been told laptops start conking out around 3-4 years old and since mine has a "lower-level memory" it could be even less. I can't believe they only last a few years... I certainly don't want it dying on me when I have a bunch of notes stored on it the night before an exam!!!! Nowadays with the rise of the computer in education---should I expect a lot of software and stuff for classes that I might need an upgrade? Or will I be ok with my basic model?

Another possible expense...geez...

Specializes in Med/Surg/Tele/Acute Rehab.

A better investment than a new computer would probably be a back-up drive. That way if your laptop commits hari kari, you don't lose your data. You would, however, have to buy another computer. Just a suggestion.

Specializes in LTC, M/S, CCU, ER.

My 4-year-old laptop was still going strong until what we refer to as "The Pepsi Incident" a few weeks ago. I used it for all my school needs, and it was great. My new laptop is spiffier and can do a lot more, but there's nothing at school that requires bells and whistles. Your older laptop, provided that it works well, should be fine.

You basically need a cd/dvd player for the cds that come with the textbooks, and the ability to connect to the internet at a high speed (either wifi or with a line). Most texts come with not only the cds, but additional online content that you'll want to access. Aside from that, I would often look stuff up and do specific searches of medical sites to try to get a deeper understanding of something in class, to check what a proper lab value might be, etc.

An older laptop will do all those things, you just might need to plan to bring the power cord to plug in as some older batteries hold less charge. No need for more expense there!

Although you didn't ask about other technology, I will say that I bought an iPod Touch when I started my clinical rotations, and the Nursing Central software from Unbound Medicine. It has been worth its weight in gold! In retrospect, I'd just get the Tabers Dictionary and Davis' Drug Guide, and purchase additional titles separately--I rarely used the Diseases and Diagnostics books that came with it, they never seemed to have what I was looking for. I plan to put Harrison's and 5-minute Clinical Consult on it for my RN year, and I have downloaded a ton of free nursing-related podcasts to listen to while out walking the dog, cleaning house, and so forth. The Touch (and iPhone) can do lots of other neat things that have nothing to do with school, but there are tons of free or low-cost medical/nursing apps that you can get for it. I could go on and on about it, but that's not what you were asking, so I'll just say that if you have the extra funds, I strongly recommend one when you begin med/surg clinicals. :D

Specializes in Emergency/Cath Lab.

Ditch the computer during class. It is more of a distraction than anything else. Thats my opinion at least. I learn better when I have to physically write and know that i dont have the internet at my disposal.

If you are dead set on it, definitely get a back up drive! Everyone needs to have one. I have mine set to auto backup every day. External storage is insanely cheap now. Anyone that doesnt have one is foolish.

Just an idea. Its probably overkill for what you need but not too pricey.

Specializes in MS, LTC, Post Op.

Kinda off topic, but as much as I LOVE the computer, I seriously want to scream during class because of all the "CLICK CLICK CLICKing" of typing while the instructor is lecturing! Its a HUGE distraction to people who need silence while lecture is going on.

Specializes in FNP-BC, RNC-OB.

LOL shannon77 --- i kno what u mean. ironically, i use my laptop during class. but im not a hard typer at all .. u can barely hear me. but there IS a woman in my class that sits all the way on the opposite side of the class, and one day i had to look up and look across the room to see who was typing so hard! u know the way ppl type when they want u to think theyre doing something? lol .. i was like omg i can hear her across the room. and anytime, i even THINK someone can hear me tpying i look around and try to do it quieter ..

I agree, just get some backup storage. I have a thumb drive/jump drive (I forget what the right term is, but it looks like a small pack of gum you stick into the USB port) that I copy all my stuff to.

On a side note, I am lucky if I get 2 years out of a laptop, I'm so rough on them. I am helping one to limp along right now, I want to make it work until April or so, then I'll get a nice new one just in time for nursing school.

Specializes in Critical Care, Education.

Have you considered one of the new 'netbooks'? They are smaller (~10in or less) and easy to stick into any tote bag. They are really inexpensive right now. My student days are long gone, but I have to travel a great deal for my job so I recently purchased an HP MiniNote and love it. It has a built-in webcam, microphone and 250Gb hard drive. I just connect it to an external DVD/CD drive and my Sprint aircard & I'm good to go. You may want to check with your school for academic discounts also to drive that low price even lower.

Best of luck with NS.

Kinda off topic, but as much as I LOVE the computer, I seriously want to scream during class because of all the "CLICK CLICK CLICKing" of typing while the instructor is lecturing! Its a HUGE distraction to people who need silence while lecture is going on.


It drives me CRAZY when that happens. The teacher gets quiet and all you hear is "CLICK,CLICK,CLICK". I have a laptop (and the classroom does have wireless internet) but I think I get more out of lecture when I write everything down, and have my book open to the chapter we're covering.


Specializes in LTC, M/S, CCU, ER.

Half those clickers are probably checking their Facebook page. :typing

Specializes in MS, LTC, Post Op.
Half those clickers are probably checking their Facebook page. :typing


laptops are useless in class. all you need is your book, a pen, and a highlighter. study the BOOK. lecture is pointless most of the time.

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