LAC+USC interview new grad RN

U.S.A. California


Hey guys, I have a question. I had an interview with LAC+USC and received a letter that I passed the oral exam. I read in the letter that they are going to contact me if positions open up. I am a new grad RN. Have you been in my situation? How long does it take until they call you? Do we have another interview after the oral interview or this is it? Please share your experience with me..thank you

Ok, So... I would love to work with babies or children. But what if they call me for an interview for a unit that I'm not interested in.. Is it ok to turn down the offer? I know what I want and my mind is pretty much set for particular units. But I don't want to sound picky..

Btw, does anybody know nursing recruiters e-mail address? maybe share with me?

before I started interviewing, I listed down my preferred units during my service exam. and then hinted them again in my cover letter when i faxed over my eligibility letter to USC.

I turned down an interview once, they were the ones who called, it was for Augustus-Hawkins Psych.. Only because I don't REALLY REALLY see myself in that field, I have friends that love Psych, but for me I can't. It's totally out of my element. However, if it was for a general unit, I WOULD ABSOLUTELY accept it in a heartbeat! Take me now, when do I start! :nurse: I hate to break it to you, but employers are on the advantage now a days, if you turn down an offer or interview, hundreds are in line after you, so they won't really care.:uhoh3:

I too would want to work in L&D or PEDS, but they just hired a bunch of NICU, PICU, Peds nurses last "season" and some have not even started yet! So I doubt they'll be hiring again. Debi called me in for med-surg clinic interview, and I was more than happy to interview! It's all about getting yourself in the system first, learning the basics and then hopefully after you can venture out to which unit you desire. With how bad it is right now, we gotta take every opportunity whenever it presents itself!;)

I also read on here that someone wants to be in NICU or PEDS but accepted a job offer in med surg ortho.

my "timeline": applied online July > letter on august > service exam September > eligibility letter October > still interviewing November

Specializes in Med/Surg.

The day I received my eligibility letter, I called County. Debbie told me to fax a cover letter with the units I was interested in working in. I wrote that I would be interested in OB, Peds, NICU and Med/Surg. Less than an hour later, Debbie called me to say I could interview for OB. I was lucky to be in the right place, right time. After that she contacted me to say I could interview for Peds. The same day I interviewed for Peds, she asked me to interview for ICU. I turned it down cuz I knew I would never want to work Adult ICU. Then after that, I called a week later to ask if I could interview for anything else and she said I could interview for M/S. Normally, I would never turn down an interview, but I know deep in my heart, that I don't want to work in ICU unless it's NICU. But because the job market is so tough, I would recommend accepting any interview offer they ask you to go on. You'll never know if they'll ask again.

^ exactly. Sometimes it's all about the right timing with county hospitals :nurse:

Specializes in NICU.

nihaojailan & Nurse_Jaydee:

You guys are probably right. I should take ANY opportunities they offer me unless I absolutely cannot see myself in that field. I too told them which units I am interested in working and also mentioned it in my cover letter. I know it's all about timing if you get an interview for a unit you want to be in or not.

I'm just afraid that.. let's say I interview for Med-Surg and get hired, then later find out now they have openings in NICU, but I cannot interview for it because I'm already hired.. those kind of thing to happen. It definitely makes me think if I should take any opportunities thrown in my way just because job market is tough, or it might take a little bit longer but wait for the RIGHT opportunities because that's what I really passionate about.

Urgh! Why am I so complicated? lol

Specializes in Med/Surg.

Girl, I feel you! I once heard, "Sometimes we have to go thru the sour to get to the sweet." I worked as an LVN and RN in M/S and let's just say I never wanted to be in M/S but that's where life placed me. I ALWAYS wanted to work with kids in some way and I feel so blessed that I finally got hired in Peds. If you aren't where you want to be now, you can always get there in the future. And you aren't complicated, you just know what you want. :)

Hi - I'm a still a little confused about this whole process. I had what I thought was a screening interview at Harbor yesterday. The nurse recruiter told me that I needed to call each month to see if there was anything I could interview for. What do you mean by if you pass the initial interview, you will get a letter? She didn't mention anything to me about a letter. This whole thing is so confusing. Thanks. :)

Specializes in NICU.

Somebody help me~~~~!

Is the last part of e-mail address or

Specializes in NICU.

Thank you, Nurse_Jaydee. You truly a nice person. I read your posting and I cried. I don't know why but it touched me very much. I'm sooo happy that your dream is coming true and you certainly deserve it!!

I'll continue to follow my heart but certainly try not to be blinded by my own stubbornness.

Let's see where my life will take me:)

Goodluck daisyrock!! I'm sure we'll find out places under the nursing sun soon!

Specializes in Med/Surg.

Aww your message was so sweet! I feel like crying too! Haha! Really tho, thanks for being so kind! I wish you lots of luck in the future. Please continue to update us. I don't have their email addresses but I'll check and see if it's online. :)

Specializes in NICU.

@nihaojailan - Thanks! Hope we'll all have huge SMILES on our faces under the nursing sun soon! When is your next interview? I'm sure you'll do great. Good luck!!!!!

@Nurse_Jaydee - I sure will keep you guys updated if or when something happens! I found their e-mail addresses but one has and the other one has after their name. So I am wondering WHICH ONE??!!:uhoh21:

Specializes in Med/Surg.

I couldn't find their email addresses, but you can call them tomorrow to ask for it. They're pretty nice so I'm sure they wouldn't mind giving it to you. :p

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