do you know of?


My unit had an issue recently reg a nurse and a patient. The patient fell for the nurse and she felt the same but did nothing about it untill the patient was discharged. My question is, Is this allowed? I thought that this would go against just about any nursing borad regulations, but ive heard that because nothing happened while the patient was in the hospital that it is not "against the rule" sort to speak, Just wondering if any other more experienced nurses have ever heard of this sort of thing?

just curious, im a new nurse.

Specializes in Neuro ICU and Med Surg.

Didn't you start a thread on this that was closed?

Specializes in Geriatrics.

Um, excuse me for butting in, but I think the OP had a good question that she wanted answered about ethics. And she is also a newbie here so it can take some time to get her feet wet. Do we (as a team on this site) want to drive newbies away? Just my 2 cents.

Blessings, Michelle

I met my husband online in an online chat room before it was a popular thing to do. Today we have 3 children and are very happy, who would have thought.

I met my fiance that way 7 years ago. :loveya:

Otherwise, I don't see why this is such a controversial topic when she was wondering how it is regarded in the nursing community, etc. You never know what kind of situation you may find yourself in. It's best to be prepared or at least somewhat knowledgeable about things that could directly involve your profession. Maybe one day she will have a friend who will need some kind guidance and won't have the amazing allnurses members to answer their questions. :)

previous thread was closed because it was worded in such a way that you were asking legal advise which is against the TOS

be CAREFULl about friendships developed in a professional capacity because you could find that the other person might read more into than you do, or they could say that you took advantage of the sitution and hold you responsible

Specializes in med surg.

I was not looking for leagal advise, nor am I asking for personal experience, i am simply wondering if other more experienced nurses out there have either been in this situation or know someone in the situation. It seems to me that it is assumed that when people ask certain questions, they are asking for personal experience. (NOT THE CASE HERE)That in and of itself is judgmental. If I knew this would be such a touchy subject I would have never asked.

Specializes in Oncology, Triage, Tele, Med-Surg.
My unit had an issue recently reg a nurse and a patient. The patient fell for the nurse and she felt the same but did nothing about it untill the patient was discharged. My question is, Is this allowed? I thought that this would go against just about any nursing borad regulations, but ive heard that because nothing happened while the patient was in the hospital that it is not "against the rule" sort to speak, Just wondering if any other more experienced nurses have ever heard of this sort of thing?

just curious, im a new nurse.


I've been happily married for 20 years, but prior to meeting my hubby, I did date a former pt. once. Typical small talk lead to a few good conversations where we discovered some common interests. Before being discharged he asked if he could call me sometime. He did. We dated a while. No big deal. No lines were crossed. The hospital was were we met. It wasn't where our relationship developed.

The Head Nurse at that time was dating the son of a former patient. She'd taken care of his dad & met the son that way, found out they had a mutual friend

IMHO, I think one has to know the whole situation and details to know whether actions/relationships are within policy guidelines, ethical etc. It's impossible to know the details in most cases, especially with a hypothetical situation or a case-scenario on the web. Just not enough info most of the time. There are definately times when lines get blurred or blatently crossed. That doesn't sound like the example you describe though. You can't help where you meet someone of interest. Girl friends, guy friends, etc. You can, however, handle the situation with proper care, caution & good judgement.

I hope this helps answer your question & helps bring this thread to a tone of kindness typical of members.


Specializes in Gyn Onc, OB, L&D, HH/Hospice/Palliative.

I don't see any ethical dilemma here. The nurse is allowed to date or see whomever h/she chooses on his/her own time. If the relationship started after the pt was discharged, the pt is "a civilian" at that point. There is no moral dilemma or conflict of interest. I see it being no business of any 'nursing board regulation'. JMO

This whole question/situation seems way too familiar to me... :banghead:HEATEDLY covered about a week ago. I hope I am wrong, but I am getting the impression of an intentional "controversy" set up to spark emotions. Please close this thread before it gets out of hand again!

Specializes in cardiac, ortho, med surg, oncology.
Um, excuse me for butting in, but I think the OP had a good question that she wanted answered about ethics. And she is also a newbie here so it can take some time to get her feet wet. Do we (as a team on this site) want to drive newbies away? Just my 2 cents.

Blessings, Michelle

I don't think ethics is the question here as ethics in nursing apply to such ideas of beneficence, autonomy, informed consent, confidentiality, non-maleficence, etc. She is asking about personal behavior between two people outside a job setting. She heard a story that "shocked" her and was asking more about the morality of such a thing. Big difference. New nurse or not, it is not our job to judge others unless the behavior is occurring ON the job and it violates either policy or ethics.

Specializes in Med Surg, Ortho.


i know it's you, can tell by the way you type, very good grammatically, and with commas in the right places, etc.

enough with this subject already. you can't fool women dude!

Specializes in med surg.

my name is not jason, and i know of no past issue brought up on this site. I just signed up yesterday because i wanted to ask this question. I am not trying to sparke a problem, just a question. sorry if it seems that way. I didnt know this was such a touchy subject. really.:nurse: :typing

This thread is getting a bit weird. :confused:

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