Kiss the doctor's what???

Nurses General Nursing


Hi all - just curious what you think of this situation. I have a new nurse manager who believes that we are there for the doctors - surgeons more specifically. Totally. Example - we have a doctor who screams and yells and swears constantly and who also says "if this so and so piece of equipment isn't fixed by the next time I'm here I will throw it at YOU!" Am I dreaming or is this verbal abuse and threatening behavior??? I have tried to talk to the manager about it but she says, "everyone has a bad day". Well folks, this particular doc is constantly like this. She actually tells us that we are there to do whatever we have to to please the surgeons. HA! I am there to take care of my patients. PERIOD. I absolutely do my best to make sure that the surgeons have what they need for the case, as this benefits the patient. I will not bow down any longer to this type of behavior. Comments?? Suggestions??:confused:

You could always respond ala Kate, Hands on hips, one eyebrow raised " Mhmmm reeeealllyy? Ya think?? and what, exactly do ya think it's gonna cost ya?" Of course I'm six feet 2 inches and have purple hair......

But I don't take c*$p from anyone! Especially smallassed docs with a God complex, and they know it. I have a coffee cup at work that the docs look very closely at,( I think it's included on rounds now) it says " I'm not a bytch, I'm THE bytch, and thats Ms. Bytch to you!" They seem to take me pretty seriously, and I'm only an EN. LOL!!!

There was a CV surgeon who was called in because his patient was crashing. He asked me if he needed to come in. I told him "this is the clinical picture. You decide if it's worth your time to come in. " When he got there he asked me a question which off the top of my head I had no answer to. So I said I don't know. He balled his fists and raised them at me and yelled "what do you mean you don't know?" I walked away and called the nursing supervisor and told her what happened. I told her if he swings, it's on and I have no intention of backing down. She was on the unit almost before I hung up the phone and stayed between me and him until the patient was taken to ICU. The NM called a staff meeting at the surgeon's request so he could tell us exactly what he expected of us. He looked at me the entire time. I told him in front of everyone that it wasn't my job to tell him whether or not he should come see a patient. That was his decision. I also said that his behavior in the hall was wrong, unacceptable and would not be tolerated. A couple of years after I left the hospital, I found out that he had an accident and no longer has use of one of his hands.

Specializes in ER.

I give them the data and let them decide if they need to come in, but if I want them at the bedside I tell them so- then the patient gets evaluated no matter what. I've never had someone refuse to come in when they were directly told that they need to. Usually if I am concerned enough to say "git yer butt in here" the pr is sick enough that I would move up the chain of command if the primary doc said they weren't coming.

A "code Pink" in our hospital is also the code for an infant abduction, but when nurses call one , it's different. If you call a code pink, all the nurses on that unit (and any other available staff,such as RT, unit clerks,ect.) go to where the dr is having a fit,and just stand there and STARE at him/her. No one says a word, and you keep your face perfectly blank:stone . It usually works great, and word gets around quickly, don't mess with these nurses!

Originally posted by km rn

One nurse mentioned on her unit they did a Code Pink - when a MD was throwing a tantrum - all the nurses on the unit came and stood around the MD and stared evilly at him/her. She said it worked!

Love the idea!;)

I have a coffee cup at work that the docs look very closely at,( I think it's included on rounds now) it says " I'm not a bytch, I'm THE bytch, and thats Ms. Bytch to you!" They seem to take me pretty seriously, and I'm only an EN.

It is sad to me that nurses have to put up a front of b*tchiness in order to get "respect". (Is it respect if drs are intimidated into treating you non-abusively?) Not to mention it perpetuates demeaning stereotypes about women/nurses. Sounds like some of these drs. are a real piece of work though, and I feel for those of you who have to put up with it.

:eek: I was raised by one of those surgeons (dad's retired now) And I KNOW that is how the nurses treated him and he expected his children to do the same:( Hense the reason I don't like him to well now... He also called the nurses "Honey, Sweetie etc - cause he wouldn't take the time to learn their names - except the ones he slept with - ooops sorry that's another post all together:imbar

I was raised and guess it was forced in to me that they deserve our respect and I will give it but I am kissing NOTHING :devil:

Originally posted by MollyMo

There was a CV surgeon who was called in because his patient was crashing. He asked me if he needed to come in. I told him "this is the clinical picture. You decide if it's worth your time to come in. " When he got there he asked me a question which off the top of my head I had no answer to. So I said I don't know. He balled his fists and raised them at me and yelled "what do you mean you don't know?" I walked away and called the nursing supervisor and told her what happened. I told her if he swings, it's on and I have no intention of backing down. She was on the unit almost before I hung up the phone and stayed between me and him until the patient was taken to ICU. The NM called a staff meeting at the surgeon's request so he could tell us exactly what he expected of us. He looked at me the entire time. I told him in front of everyone that it wasn't my job to tell him whether or not he should come see a patient. That was his decision. I also said that his behavior in the hall was wrong, unacceptable and would not be tolerated. A couple of years after I left the hospital, I found out that he had an accident and no longer has use of one of his hands.

I'm sorry, but that last sentence just made me laugh out loud...made me think of Romano on "ER.":chuckle

Specializes in Home Health.

I had an anesthesiologist once who did not recognize when a post-op CABG was tamponading. I called every 30 minutes to document the hemorrhage, called the surgeon every other time. 4am, BP in the toilet, pt seizing. Pt still has not woken up from surgery...uh no problem here, right??

On am rounds, after I left, they took the pt back to or and removed huge clots from around her heart. She had stroked out. The day shift nurse, who for some reason was a person who liked to instigate trouble, told the doc to read my notes. Well, he hit the roof!

I got called into the office, and reprimanded for "making the team look bad." Oh, yeah, better I should look negligent. I said, does no one here have a problem with the fact that two doctors cannot recognize tamponade when they see it? The answer? The pt was not tamponading. I said Oh really, why was she taken back to the OR then? Answer, that was "hours" after you left. It was left as a "verbal warning." To which I said how do I respond to that? I have no written reprimand that you have a problem with me doing my job. How very clever of you.

I met up with this anesthesiologist a week later. He had the nerve to approach me and say, "You know, I just want to put all the ugliness behind us, I'd like to think of our team like a family here." I said Hold it a minute. You're not walking away and not hearing what I have to say! I am here for THE PATIENT!!! I do NOT care how it makes THE TEAM look. I will not sacrifice my standards for THE TEAM! You will NEVER misrepresent things again. (I was accused of telling the family the pt had a stroke. The doc was sitting right beside me, and heard the whole conversation, the wussy refused to speak to the family when they called and wanted to know was it unusual for someone to not wake up so long after surgery? He KNEW I never said that, but conveniently did not offer that information to the surgeons the next day.!!) He apologized, but I resigned. I won't work in a place that puts their freaking image over the needs of those they serve, and that was a Catholic hospital!

I feel that by going to the board of directors might really promote some action.

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