Kicked out of nursing school b/c medical dx! Wth? Really?


I was recently kicked out of the nursing program and boy am I LIVID!! I graduate Dec 18!! I am carrying a 3.66 GPA. I have been dx with manic depression/bi polar. I had an anxiety attack before the start of my clinical rotation (mind you the first one I ever missed) in a ENTIRE YEAR!! I called my instructor and informed her that I was having an anxiety attack..not a major one but one that was mild and I didn't think i would be a good student in my current condition. She never called me back, I showed up the next day and was told that I should return in a year and to remove myself from the premises. I appealed the decision and they met without me on Friday, informed by email that I was dropped. So I took it to the President of the school in tears((I hate that I was crying but I have sacrificed hell just to get here. I am a single mother with a piece of crap vehicle, work part time at a job that doesn't even cover my monthly bills in any way and to kick me out for that!! Is there any recourse? Please keep in mind I haven't had an anxiety attack in three years and since this is the rotation we pass out meds...I freaked out!!

Devastated beyond consolation.............:devil:

People, people, people...let Go. Slavery was over years agoo....we don't want that back in our lives. .

While I agree with the rest of your sentiments, I found this uncalled for and a bit random.

No one said anything about slavery.

I wanted to add a few thoughts, OP.

Although it can seem embarassing, having a mental illness is nothing to be ashamed of, nor is it something that you can just 'fix'. Mental illness is managed, as I know all too well.

I attended orientation for my nursing program back in May, and at that time it was necessary for us to turn in our completed medical forms. Our medical forms required the physician to report *any* illness that was emotional/mental in nature, as well as our current state.(stable/unstable) We also had to list every medication we were prescribed and using.

We were told that it was grounds for immediate dismissal to withold any information related to an illness that could affect our school.(Just in case something happened they would be prepared)

I hope you can continue your educational journey with success! In the future you should absolutely declare any health problems, it is honest and may have prevented your expulsion.

wow didn't know this was I don't think she was throwing the race card around I think she was trying to say it would be nice to be the first black person to graduate in five years And by the way i would never come on here for support because there is always someone trying to kick you when you are down just do what you need to so that you can finish school and not worry about anything else good luck also I hate the phase race card like it's a card people pull out when things are'nt going their way I hate it!!!!!

Specializes in Med Surg, Cardiac.

To the OP:

I hope that you get your issues worked out with your school and I am so sorry you are going through this, especially being so close to graduation. If everything that you wrote is true and you have proof to show, then I don't see a reason why you would not be able to continue school... Good luck to you :nurse:

As for the rest of the posters......or should I say SOME of the posters:

SHAME ON YOU :nono: We are supposed to support each other on this site and some of you feel the need to be rude and start interrogating as if you're the police. I find some of these posts to be disgusting and i'm disappointed in my fellow nurses and nursing students. You all seem judgmental and from what I understand, nurses are not supposed to be that way. Didn't they teach you that in nursing school??

Specializes in Junior Year of BSN.
Culture isn't the same as race. African American is a race, not a culture. Culture is the totality of socially transmitted behavior patterns, arts, beliefs, institutions, and all other products of human work and thought.

African American is a cultural identifier. "There are modern questions of culture that are transferred into questions of identity. Various cultural studies and social theories investigate the cultural identity. In recent decades, a new form of identification has emerged. This new form of identification breaks down the understanding of the individual as a coherent whole subject to a collection of various cultural identifiers. These cultural identifiers examine the condition of the subject from a variety of aspects including: place, gender, race, history, nationality, language, sexual orientation, religious beliefs, ethnicity and aesthetics." This is from wikipedia.

If you want to learn more you can read this book:

Hall, S., & Du Gay, P. (1996). Questions of cultural identity. London: Sage. ISBN 0803978839

Work instituted a new policy that made me think of this thread...

"No show, no note, no tolerance."

I like it.

Specializes in Medical and general practice now LTC.

guys, after much deliberation if has been decided to close this thread due to the nature this thread is taking and the attacks between everyone. we don't like to close threads but there are times when we have no choice. please remember when members post on here it is for advice, support and yes a vent. we can offer our opinions without resorting to attacks and bringing racial discord. can i please point out this that is part of the terms of service of the site

freedom of speech?

although the constitution of the us guarantees that "congress shall make no law abridging the freedom of speech", is not congress. freedom of speech rights do not extend to this privately owned website. the tos/guidelines of this website governs the behaviors and activities of the members. if you choose not to follow the guidelines agreed to during registration, the result is a disabling of your account.


we promote the idea of lively debate. this means you are free to disagree with anyone on any type of subject matter as long as your criticism is constructive and polite.

personal attacks

our first priority is to the members that have come here because of the flame-free atmosphere we provide. there is a zero-tolerance policy here against personal attacks. we will not tolerate anyone insulting another individual's opinion nor name calling and will ban repeat offenders.

hate speech and inappropriate generalizations

it is important to remember that this bulletin board reaches out to nurses and other readers all over the world. our call is to be supportive, not divisive. because of this, discrimination, racial vilification and offensive generalizations targeting people of other races, religions and/or nationalities will not be tolerated.

terms of service

this thread will remain closed

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