Kaplan Question Trainer 7 score..

Nursing Students NCLEX


Ok so my test is in 6 days and I am in panic mode 100%. I just took Question Trainer 7 and am exhausted. My last four tests scores are as follows:

QT 4: 52%

QT 5: 54%

QT 6: 56%

QT 7: 57.36%

I know you are supposed to be getting a 60 or higher but I just cant seem to hit that benchmark. Are my scores close enough or should I really consider postponing it? I am still shaking from taking QT 7.....don't know what to do....any advice? I dont want to postpone because I am scared if I do it once, I will do it multiple times. But I also, as does everyone else, want to pass. What to do...

Specializes in ED staff.

Dear Tired, Stop studying, stop worrying. Even if its for just one day, play, have fun, do whatever YOU like to do! If you don't know it by now..... I've been an RN for almost 26 years. Back then we had to go to the state capitol and sit with hundreds of others and take the test with a #2 pencil, it lasted 2 days!! You had to wait 6 wks to get it back. There was one person there in a hospital bed, she'd broken her hip in a car wreck, had a nurse with her and everything! If us old timers can make it having to take the test in that manner I have faith that you too can pass! Go get 'em!

Ok I will try. I have this terrible fear of failing and I'm not sure why.

Specializes in public health.

Just go for it. I also had similar if not lower scores, but I passed on my first try. I was super relaxed on the test day and I think that helped a lot.

Ok I will most definitely try. Thank you everyone for the support and encouraging words. It's kind of funny how much strangers can have an impact on you but I so greatly appreciate it

Hi! I don't ever post but i do read. Good luck to you all. (Myself too!) I was scheduled to take mine on aug 1 but i chickened out. I rescheduled to the 12. Wish me luck!

You will do great! Just had some personal issues come up so I'm hoping to keep focused on the nclex and set that aside until after my test. Hope it works

U can do it! Pretend u r the only one that matters right now. I know that sounds bad but i have to do that sometimes to get thru this studying. If u r anything like me, u always put other people first. Sometime u have to be selfish. :) tjis thing is hard but we all didnt come this far to fail! Best of luck!

Specializes in ED staff.

You'll do fine!

I didn't pass....or at least it took my to the credit card screen. Beyond devastated and embarrassed.

I know you probably don't want to hear this......however, it's ok that you were unsuccessful. You didn't fail, you were only unsuccessful. Contrary to popular belief, those who take the exam two or more times are just as good of a nurse as those that sat for three days and passed or those that passed the first time with "minimal compenteny". NO intention to disregard their hard work and effort to pass on the first attempt.

I've read some truly humiliating and degrading remarks towards those who took the exam more than once. I was shocked and baffled at such outrageous, disheartening and extremely unkind remarks from nurses. I'm much older and could have taken NCLEX during "pencil and paper" era and still would not make the aforementioned remarks. However, EVERYONE IS entitled to their personal opinion. I respect it.

Therefore, disregard negative opinions. Get back up, stay focused, study, study, study, and go and conquer NCLEX and the world. You have so much to offer and the world awaits your unrelenting and knowledgeable service as a future RN. :)

FYI.....I'm not attempting to begin a debate about how many times one has taken NCLEX and knowledge. Just want to submit words of encouragement. If I have offended anyone, my apology. End.

I didn't pass....or at least it took my to the credit card screen. Beyond devastated and embarrassed.

I'm on the same boat. Didn't pass for the 4th time yesterday with 265. But that doesn't mean that I'm not smart...or not competent. It means its time to change the game plan and study differently. Guess what.. I found out I failed? Okay so what? Is it the end of the world? No. So I decided to send my reapplication today without waiting for my official results, that's what I've done the last two times.

I will NOT give up. Knock me down plenty of times, I'm getting back on my feet and making sure I defeat this test.

You shouldn't give up either. Get back to it as soon as you can. You can do it. You're not alone!

You guys have no idea what your posts mean to me. They truly made me feel

Better and like I'm not alone. I'm feeling a bit better today. Just not sure how to go about my studying this time so that I can pass. It is so nice and thoughtful of you to take time to respond to me, someone you've never met and know nothing about. Really, thank you thank you thank you.

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