Kaplan Question Trainer 7 score..

Nursing Students NCLEX


Ok so my test is in 6 days and I am in panic mode 100%. I just took Question Trainer 7 and am exhausted. My last four tests scores are as follows:

QT 4: 52%

QT 5: 54%

QT 6: 56%

QT 7: 57.36%

I know you are supposed to be getting a 60 or higher but I just cant seem to hit that benchmark. Are my scores close enough or should I really consider postponing it? I am still shaking from taking QT 7.....don't know what to do....any advice? I dont want to postpone because I am scared if I do it once, I will do it multiple times. But I also, as does everyone else, want to pass. What to do...

Yeah, like I been trying to go through all content...ahhh so hard and exhausting. so Idk....well at this point I know what I know...Monday is the day

Good luck! With your Kaplan score I would not be worried at all!

Specializes in ED.

It's just a score don't be scared by it. When you take NCLEX just take it one question at a time. Just be prepared to take 265 questions so manage your time wisely

Yeah I think I'll freak out a bit if I get all 265 but it is what it is. Your right, it's just a score but I just have had a few friends take the nclex and pass in all but one section and then they ended up failing and that really scared me.

Your Q7 looks pretty good. I have seen posts where someone received 57ish scores and past the NCLEX. Try the Kaplan readiness exam and see what you get.

Some of my friends made it on only test taking strategies using Kaplan.

You have 6 days. Plenty of time to focus on what you need to improve your scores. You can still have time to cancel if you feel you need to. Remember to find little ways each day to relieve the stress: walk, workout, etc.

If you have ATI from school, the exam narrows down the exact topic you need to review. This way you only review weak areas. This way you are not reviewing everything under the sun.

Let us know how you are doing, mine is coming close to, and I am tired of studying also. Just ready to take it though I need to study more.

When is your test? How have you been preparing?

Mainly, I am using Feuer and ATI right now. I have used Hurst, Saunders and Kaplan in the past. I don't have a perfect method. It works for me having one or two areas I use mainly for content so I use mainly Feuer and then Hurst when I need an understanding of how some core content works.

It seems like knowing your basic core content is good, and also, being able to apply good test taking strategies is good.

Yeah one girl in my class took it last week and said that it's just the bare minimum for content but that still scares me because I learned not a whole lot from patho- there are tons of things I have never heard of when I take Kaplan tests which is discouraging

Specializes in Psychiatry.

Dear TiredOfStudying,

All your scores are above 50% which should be encouraging you to take the plunge. Besides, the actual Board questions are not as difficult as the ones that you find in the preparatory exam study questionnaire. I'd take a deep breath and go for it. Remember, the more time you let elapse, the more stuff is going to naturally evaporate. Entonces, sooner the better. Just do it.

Besides, you should never get "tired of studying" because it is a life-long process.

Good luck to you. You can do it.

i'm taking the nclex in a week and a half. what is kaplan Question Trainetwr 7? is it a book? i already did the kaplan q & a book and only getting btwn 50%. is there anything else i can do to improve my score? i'm getting burnt... :/

i know how you feel...i've been doing crams and saunders. i just want this to be over. i'm not feeling the kaplan and everything i'm reading say that they style of ?s that are on the test. this totally sucks...

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