Kaplan Question Trainer 7 score..

Nursing Students NCLEX


Ok so my test is in 6 days and I am in panic mode 100%. I just took Question Trainer 7 and am exhausted. My last four tests scores are as follows:

QT 4: 52%

QT 5: 54%

QT 6: 56%

QT 7: 57.36%

I know you are supposed to be getting a 60 or higher but I just cant seem to hit that benchmark. Are my scores close enough or should I really consider postponing it? I am still shaking from taking QT 7.....don't know what to do....any advice? I dont want to postpone because I am scared if I do it once, I will do it multiple times. But I also, as does everyone else, want to pass. What to do...

Specializes in public health.

Practice makes everything better. I studied 100-150 questions everyday for 3 weeks. You can do it.

You guys can do it! I took it Friday, I have yet to get my results. I don't know what you all studied or where you need to improve but I used nursing made incredibly easy as I am not strong in endocrine and cardiac. It has mneumonics to help you remember how to prioritize as well. I don't know what you all believe in but I will pray for you (and maybe myself as well) I know you will do well and I am impressed with your determination! You didn't get this far by giving up! :)

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