just want an answer please!!

Specialties Ob/Gyn


i have been looking online and cant find an answer. others are wondering the same thing.

If you have a UTI, will and can it interfere with your period? can it cause it to be late, or not there?


Specializes in Operating Theatre and Occ. Health.
Specializes in chemical dependency detox/psych.

Per TOS, we cannot offer medical advice.

"Per TOS, we cannot offer medical advice."

this is not medical advice it is a question i needed an answer to bc of women asking it all of the time. and i did not know the answers. for this field I think i should.

Daisees: thank you! i didnt think it could because they would be associating with 2 different areas of the system. thanks

one thing to note is if your taking antibiotics for uti or anything else use back up birth control. antibiotics interfere with birth control pills.

it depends on what type of UTI, i am not 100 percent on this and i cannot guarantee my answer but i am leaning more towards yes, some UTI's interfere with hormone balance( googled it). Being that periods are controled by hormones, then i think they would interfere. this would be a good topic for a research paper

If you need to know this for yourself you should be calling your OB/GYN and if you are asking for your patients then why not be asking the docs you are working for???????????? You owe it them to give them an accurate answer--one from a physician not from a nurse who may or may not know for sure and isn't legally allowed to diagnose.

Specializes in ER, ICU.

Are you a nurse? Because if you are you should know the answer, if you aren't just go see your doctor.

"If you need to know this for yourself you should be calling your OB/GYN and if you are asking for your patients then why not be asking the docs you are working for???????????? You owe it them to give them an accurate answer--one from a physician not from a nurse who may or may not know for sure and isn't legally allowed to diagnose."

I am a CNA and starting nursing student. This question was for women who have asked me (not in a physicians office, nor any type of medical atmosphere). The more i researched it and pondered the question, it seemed the less I found. So I decided to post the question here to see if a nurse would know. No need to freak out!!! I am not illegally diagnosing people!

I am new to allnurses.com and I suppose a question like this is not exactly accepted because it sounds personal? idk

Specializes in Gerontological Nursing, Acute Rehab.
"If you need to know this for yourself you should be calling your OB/GYN and if you are asking for your patients then why not be asking the docs you are working for???????????? You owe it them to give them an accurate answer--one from a physician not from a nurse who may or may not know for sure and isn't legally allowed to diagnose."

I am a CNA and starting nursing student. This question was for women who have asked me (not in a physicians office, nor any type of medical atmosphere). The more i researched it and pondered the question, it seemed the less I found. So I decided to post the question here to see if a nurse would know. No need to freak out!!! I am not illegally diagnosing people!

I am new to allnurses.com and I suppose a question like this is not exactly accepted because it sounds personal? idk

Well, it's like this....how the heck are we supposed to know what's going on with you/other women? If someone is missing their periods, take a PG test and/or call your doctor. Just like if someone who is pregnant comes to my office and reports spotting, I would try to reassure and explain the possibilities but I am going to send them to f/u with their doctor. If your research couldn't give you conclusive information, then chances are we won't be able to, either. And giving out medical advice in a non-clinical setting is risky business...you might want to refrain from doing that.

I think it might have also been the way you phrased the question. If you asked, "Could frequent UTI's cause hormonal imbalances?" you might have gotten different responses. The way you asked, it sounded like you were looking for medical advice. I'm not saying this to be snarky, but as a new poster, it easy to not realize how things come across.

This is coming from an Employee Health nurse who has to tell this to people who expect me to manage their chronic conditions or chronic complaints all the time....

please have some respect and if you give an answer actually give an answer. It is very unhelpful to me when people answer with disrespect and question my motives.

I thank everyone who answered honestly I did find my answer it is out there.

Specializes in Nurse Leader specializing in Labor & Delivery.
please have some respect and if you give an answer actually give an answer. It is very unhelpful to me when people answer with disrespect and question my motives.

I thank everyone who answered honestly I did find my answer it is out there.

Please have some respect in understanding that the TOS here restrict us from offering advice and opinions to laypeople, and if you don't provide enough context, we have no idea where you're going with your questions.

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