Just ordered NCSBN course review

Nursing Students NCLEX


Having the option to choose from a variety of review courses I finally decided to choose NCSBN course review.

The two main reason for choosing the latter one was the prize (although I would love to purchase the the Kaplan Qbanks I cannot afford around 500 dollars since I arleady purchased at least three NCLEX review books (Saunders fourth edition and Saunders Q&A in both the regular format and flash cards!) I also bought very expensive Judy Miller Cds (850 dollars ) which is great for the content and review. So I am literally broken in every sense. However I wanted to have an access to the newest questions so I thought that the site which makes the NCLEX would be a right place for it (my second reason) I came across on allnurses some positive comments about NCSBN.

I literally have so much of NCLEX material that I could open my own NCLEX review class. Haha, just a little of humor ... but seriously those of you who took the NCSBN review did you feel it helped you in some way to get through NCLEX? Anyway, I will update and let you know how is the review, and in mean time please share your thoughts if you are not to busy studing for NCLEX, good luck to us all!!!

i think it could be..and judging from what other people were posting in other threads..they have been getting a lot of infection control questions..what I did is i opened the CDC file and then browse through it..you will get the feeling on which diseases might be covered on the exam..and thats what I did I took notes of those that I think are more likely to come out in the exam..this is the what I also did with pharma since its very long..

I'm working on the immunization schedule for the adults,I can grasp the concept of the infants and children immunization schedule but I swear I'm having a hard time understanding the adults immunization schedule especially the boosters,I think I will give up.LOL

Yea its really difficult, I honestly didnt even look at that. I am going to memorize the children's but not the adults. They are more likely to ask the children's i think

So how is your review going,I admit I havent been able to study during last weekend (work and a picnic) and monday I went to get my fingerprints (had to drive 55 miles one way to get them!!!!) Thank good today I finally send them in and hopefully I will get my authorization to test within two weeks so I can schedule the exam sometime in July,I have spoken with a friend of mine who just past week took his board and passed with 75,he said he got a lot of questions about endocrine system,as well as SATA and meds and priority question.He started to prepare for the exam six DAYS before his scheduled exam date (he read the entire Saunders 4 edition book and did many questions from the CD in 48 hours,nutcase!!) but he passed with flying colors,never took any NCLEX review,smart beast ,lol.

Anyway back to the subject I need to stay on the schedule my password expires July 6 and today I'm only doing the Health promotion unit (which is like only 100 pages LOL,post test,maybe one or two Qbank tests.The more I do the NCSBN review the more I love it,seriously,they have great resources and many awsome links and some of the information I'm printing out and I made a special folder where I gather all selected nursing data for future reference,love it love it love it!!! How is your studing going??

Hey! It's ok, just started looking over some of the Pharm, just the Cardiac. I have finished some of the sections further down that are short. The alternate format questions are so difficult! I am not doing awesome on the tests but I just hope I can retain some of the information I read. I would think it will take you a little longer than two weeks to get your ATT. And some of the days, depending on your testing center may be mostly booked for July. I know mine was except for a couple of days at 8am.

That is crazy about your friend! He must be really smart. I hate the endocrine system, it is so confusing! What are SATA questions? I keep seeing that but don't know what it stands for.

Mine ends on the 6th too, and my test is the 10th!! I hope i can keep on target. I am going to try to read, but I want to do All the Q&A tests! They are less time consuming, and give you practice with actual questions. Plus learning some of the content. So stressed about it all, but still having difficulty staying focused. Some days I do really well on practice questions and other days its just horrible!

Specializes in Medical and general practice now LTC.

SATA = Select All That Apply and just another format style of question

Re: CDC website...appendix A of the document was very useful.

Also I was asked if I used anything else...I mostly focused on the NCSBN questions, but had been doing Saunders questions throughout school. I also used exam cram, but got impatient with the "adaptive drill" so I just went ahead and did the final test to see where I was at. It put me at a level above passing (good I think they called it?), which is what pretty much prompted me to reschedule my test for an earlier date, just to get it over with.

Yeah,I agree the tests are awsome,I'm sure I wont be able to finish all the content by July 6, but I'm hoping to at at least finish all the qbank and post test questions and get through at least half of the course...I just need to forget about the sunny wheather and soap operas LOL,I havent taken yet the alternative format tests but I'm sure they must be aggrevating.If everything is booked for july I take any spot in August,I dont mind taking it slow however I must soon look for a job ( I have a list of several hospitals where they hire new grads but was too lazy to apply there or maybe scared more than anything?!)

Re: CDC website...appendix A of the document was very useful.

Also I was asked if I used anything else...I mostly focused on the NCSBN questions, but had been doing Saunders questions throughout school. I also used exam cram, but got impatient with the "adaptive drill" so I just went ahead and did the final test to see where I was at. It put me at a level above passing (good I think they called it?), which is what pretty much prompted me to reschedule my test for an earlier date, just to get it over with.

Yep,some people take the NCLEX right away and pass with flying colors,let us know how it went for you.

Oh, I took it on the 10th, and passed with 75.

OMG! thanks, makes so much sense now! Yea everyone I know that has taken it thus far this year had a lot of them! Thanks again!

Oh, I took it on the 10th, and passed with 75.

Wow awsome,do you have a job yet? What type of questions did you get on the NCLEX (what systems?) Also what do you think helped you to pass the NCLEX,did you do all the questions from NCBSN review and Saunders, did you review all the content,thanks.

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