Just ordered NCSBN course review

Nursing Students NCLEX


Having the option to choose from a variety of review courses I finally decided to choose NCSBN course review.

The two main reason for choosing the latter one was the prize (although I would love to purchase the the Kaplan Qbanks I cannot afford around 500 dollars since I arleady purchased at least three NCLEX review books (Saunders fourth edition and Saunders Q&A in both the regular format and flash cards!) I also bought very expensive Judy Miller Cds (850 dollars ) which is great for the content and review. So I am literally broken in every sense. However I wanted to have an access to the newest questions so I thought that the site which makes the NCLEX would be a right place for it (my second reason) I came across on allnurses some positive comments about NCSBN.

I literally have so much of NCLEX material that I could open my own NCLEX review class. Haha, just a little of humor ... but seriously those of you who took the NCSBN review did you feel it helped you in some way to get through NCLEX? Anyway, I will update and let you know how is the review, and in mean time please share your thoughts if you are not to busy studing for NCLEX, good luck to us all!!!

Hmm I cant remember exactly what i got. But i just do them again when i dont get the 75% because they are the same questions then I get a 100%. I think I did bad like 65-70% on Management of care but then did okay on the Health Maintenance quiz. I did the 1st two quizzes, delegation and prioritization. They dont give you a grade though. I am going to try to do one a day maybe in addition to the reading. I have Kaplan too so I am also trying to do those QBank questions. Some of the upcoming sections are really long. I am hopefully going to cover 100 pages a day and try to do 100 questions. It is perfect that we started around the same time cause now we can vent about it and know someone is going thru the same thing. 3 weeks until my test day! Keep me posted with how things are going

I know I only got the 3 week option. It is scary, like 250 pages!! I am going to do a little bit of pharm everyday and use my notebook from my class to see if that helps.

Hey, just wanted to add my 2c...I ordered this review, and I really really liked the questions, but the outline not so much. It seemed to me that I should be able to apply knowledge I learned from the outline when I completed the post-test, but that was not the case. To me that made the outlines useless.

I ended up just doing all the post-tests, and the q&a quizzes, and skipping the content. I think the exposure to all those questions really helped me pass. Took NCLEX last week and passed on my first try with 75?s :D

I know what you mean...how much are the Kaplan Qbanks? I'm also using Saunders 4th edition CD,exam cram CD as well as NCLEX 3500,I also purchased online 12 NCLEX Review discs (Judy Miller),it is great,one of the CD has a material full of questions and a workbook.I'm also using Pharmacology Success Book and Medical-surgical Success book.I will register for the the NCLEX examination today (finally have the money) so I will try to select a date sometime in July.Right now I'm doing unit on Safety and Infection control and after taking the post test and quiz I will do at least one qbank test and start the third unit since it is so long.. which unit you are currently working on? And how many hourse you spend on preparing for NCLEX..me when I have a day off from work or any gathering I usually study on and off (today I'm planning to study like 7 hours as well as tommorow,but I have to get the fingerprints for the NCLEX tommorow as well),then saturday I'm working and sunday I usually spend the day with my boyfriend and family (we are going to the dog show this sunday),so I dont study everyday consistently..like every other day..what about yourself?

Hey, just wanted to add my 2c...I ordered this review, and I really really liked the questions, but the outline not so much. It seemed to me that I should be able to apply knowledge I learned from the outline when I completed the post-test, but that was not the case. To me that made the outlines useless.

I ended up just doing all the post-tests, and the q&a quizzes, and skipping the content. I think the exposure to all those questions really helped me pass. Took NCLEX last week and passed on my first try with 75?s :D

I have a question did you use any other materials or just this program? Thanks for sharing your experience...

Hi! I just graduated with my BSN in May and would like to schedule my NCLEX for mid-late July (just to make sure I cover EVERYTHING without feeling too rushed). I will also sign-up for the NCSBN review (specifically the 3-week course). I am hoping that this will be enough time to go over the majority of material that is offered on the website. The NCSBN stated that students would be able to review all of the course materials in 80 hours (so...~4 hrs a day for a 3 week course...)....not too bad. But I am definitely not a speed reader...so I would probably tack on another 10 hours to that 80 hr total.:)

Also...I am technically an inexperienced nurse going into the workforce. We had clinical rotations each semester in my program, but I did not opt to do the AN1-AN2 internship while in school. I chose not to do this because I already had a non-healthcare related job outside of school (I worked at the campus library---great for studying and FREE prints!) and I really wanted to focus on my classes. --- In a way, I kind of regret not pursuing the internship because as of now, my resume is weak due to a lack in healthcare job experience, and it feels like I just have a glorified BSN certificate that does not necessarily stand out to a potential employer unless I have some experience (i.e. internship) to back it up. Maybe I am worrying too much about my job outlook....but I was hoping you guys could share your thoughts and what your educational/career path was like from school to the workforce. Thank you!!!!:)

Hi! I just graduated with my BSN in May and would like to schedule my NCLEX for mid-late July (just to make sure I cover EVERYTHING without feeling too rushed). I will also sign-up for the NCSBN review (specifically the 3-week course). I am hoping that this will be enough time to go over the majority of material that is offered on the website. The NCSBN stated that students would be able to review all of the course materials in 80 hours (so...~4 hrs a day for a 3 week course...)....not too bad. But I am definitely not a speed reader...so I would probably tack on another 10 hours to that 80 hr total.:)

Also...I am technically an inexperienced nurse going into the workforce. We had clinical rotations each semester in my program, but I did not opt to do the AN1-AN2 internship while in school. I chose not to do this because I already had a non-healthcare related job outside of school (I worked at the campus library---great for studying and FREE prints!) and I really wanted to focus on my classes. --- In a way, I kind of regret not pursuing the internship because as of now, my resume is weak due to a lack in healthcare job experience, and it feels like I just have a glorified BSN certificate that does not necessarily stand out to a potential employer unless I have some experience (i.e. internship) to back it up. Maybe I am worrying too much about my job outlook....but I was hoping you guys could share your thoughts and what your educational/career path was like from school to the workforce. Thank you!!!!:)

Wow your situation sounds very similar to mine....I also graduated from NS this past may and plan to take NCLEX mid or late July...I'm signing up today...I think NCSBN is a great course (but some of the units are really long so you have to spend some time working them out!!).I love the questions and I think the content review hits the major points beneficial for our future nursing careers,let us know what is your NCLEX date and how is your review going.

Thank you for your speedy response!....I will definitely keep everyone updated on my pending exam date and review experiences!:)

Hey, just wanted to add my 2c...I ordered this review, and I really really liked the questions, but the outline not so much. It seemed to me that I should be able to apply knowledge I learned from the outline when I completed the post-test, but that was not the case. To me that made the outlines useless.

I ended up just doing all the post-tests, and the q&a quizzes, and skipping the content. I think the exposure to all those questions really helped me pass. Took NCLEX last week and passed on my first try with 75?s :D

Hey thanks so much for the advice!! Its good to know bc it is a bit discouraging looking at all the information to read and cover! I was thinking maybe it would just be best to do the questions like you said. I will do that and let you know how it goes. My test date is July 10th!

Hey beachbutterfly! I am starting psychosocial. But like the other girl said i may start skimming or skipping sections and focus more on the questions. I do not have work so fortunately I have most days to study all day. But sometimes that doesnt work out so well because i get bored, lose focus and then its not productive and takes me longer than just getting it done in the first place. WOW you sure have a lot of study materials. I guess I do too but I am not going to use most of them. Im going to focus on NCSBN and Kaplan and maybe ATI(one we used in school). When you asked how much are the Kaplan Qbanks did you mean $ or questions. I dont know if you can just buy the questions alone or if you have to buy the whole package. But there are about a thousand questions in the Qbank plus 7 tests that work up in the number of questions with each one. So the last test has 265 questions. I will keep you posted on where I am at and how it is coming along. Take care!!

I'm going over isolation guidelines right now and it is driving me crazy,the unit is provided with an website adress to the CDC and the infection control guideline is 225 pages long!! I'm definitely a nut but I printed out all the pages LOL,and I feel so discourages with the memorization of all the pertitent virus,infections and its precautions,I'm getting all of them confused and some of the precautions for a specfic diseases are hard to find or are unclear...for example it is says in CDC infection control guidelines about RSV virus "it can be spread through a contact or droplet but the main way of transmission is contact,LOL...I was hoping to get through one more unit today but I will be lucky if I get the grasp of all the precautions tonight!!

OMG I know i can't keep all the precautions straight and can't remember how each one is transmitted. You def went overboard printing them out!! haha I went to the CDC website and saw how long it was and didnt even open it. Im going to use my kaplan book for that, there is a chart with the breakdown of the disease and how it is transmitted. If i were you i wouldnt go that far into studying or you will never get through the whole program. You have to cover as much ground as possible. Plus this test is for entry level nurses to be safe and effective, I doubt the test will be that specific.

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