Just found out i passed nclex-rn!!!

Nursing Students NCLEX


Specializes in Surgical ICU.

Hello All,I am ecstatic I passed my NCLEX-RN on second attempt! I was too afraid to do the PVT yesterday afternoon after I got home from the testing center so I took a sleeping pill and went to bed early. I woke up today and was super bummed that I had to return to work as a Nursing Assistant to be around nurses and patients without knowing whether or not I passed. I couldn't help but worry so I was so sad until I could no longer take it I checked the BON and sure enough it said PASS next to my candidate number!!! :) I feel as though a HUGE weight has been lifted off of my shoulders. Let me tell you people, PRAYER WORKS! I was sooo sad and upset when the computer shut off at 75 that I hurried through the survery without even reading it just so I could rush out of there before the tears started running down my face. I cried the entire two hours home. However, I did stay positive and calm and also prayed throughout the ENTIRE exam for God to guide me and He listened. I would like to give a special thanks to everyone on this website that has been super supportive throughout this entire process for me. This website is extremely therapeutic and let's me know that I am NOT and was NOT the only person going through this experience. God Bless everyone ♥

Congrats. May God contiune to order your steps while you search for emplyment.

Specializes in Surgical ICU.

Awww, thank you so much! I really appreciate your kind message. I am continuing to pray as well. God bless you.

congrads on passing the rn exam...:nurse:

Specializes in LTC.

Congratulations!!!! I wish i could find out now!!!!!!!

Congrats!!!! God is good and he hears all prayers!

Congrats!!! So So happy for you. :yeah::yeah::yeah:

So, how did you study this time around? My second time taking the nclex will be next week. so, any word of advise?

again, congrats to you.

Specializes in LTC/Pediatrics.


CONGRATULATIONS!!! Truly prayer is what got me thru also... how many hours did you wait before checking the BON what state are you in?

Specializes in LTC.

we have to wait 48hrs!...Texas

Specializes in Surgical ICU.
Congrats!!! So So happy for you. :yeah::yeah::yeah:

So, how did you study this time around? My second time taking the nclex will be next week. so, any word of advise?

again, congrats to you.

Although it was very, very difficult, I told myself that this time around I was going to only stick to two study resources instead of overloading my mind with a bunch of different sources. I'm unsure if you have access to kaplan Q-bank, but if you do I would strongly suggest you complete it. If not, then there is also this free website: http://www.exammaster2.com/wdsentry/utmbrn.htm . the questions are very similiar to the NCLEX. Don't waste your money purchasing a bunch of different material. Do as many questions as you can but pace yourself and make sure you read the rationales even if you get the question correct and take some notes on material you are unsure of and review it. You will do just fine. I will keep you in my prayers. God bless you. ;)

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