Published Jul 12, 2010
9 Posts
Hi, im only 16 and i am into becoming an ER nurse and i just wanted to know what you enjoy about bieng an ER nurse !
190 Posts
Disimpacting bowels and missing on attempts at ABGs.
No honestly I like the fast pace. I like not knowing what I'm going to see. And I also like not having the same patients for the entire shift as we send them home or to the floor as quick as possible to clear out space. There is a bit of adrenaline rush in it as well.
gr8rnpjt, RN
738 Posts
:nurse:Lots of questions from you, xGuYx. You could have put them all on one thread. If you want to be a nurse, go to the library and read up on nursing and what it is all about. You can talk to a guidance counseler about the process of applying to nursing school, and if you are still interested in learning what nurses do, volunteer at a hospital and you can see for yourself what nursing is all about.
Davey Do
10,639 Posts
Hi xGUYx!
Good question, xGUYx! Are you a prodigy or what?
Keeping the family and other loved ones informed of the patient's status was one thing I really got a lot out of when I did my ER nursing. No matter where the patient was going, healthwise, it seemed updates were always appreciated.
Now, my ER experience was done primatily in a small rural hspital. I got to experience a luxury that I'm sure larger hospitals don't have to the same degree that I was allowed.
However, generally speaking, I continue to enjoy communicating with patients and families on all levels. So, I guess you could say that communicating is one of my my favorite parts of nursing!
I'm impressed that someone of your age is seeking information like this. Good luck to you in your endeavors, xGUYx!
PatMac10,RN, RN
1 Article; 1,164 Posts
Try shadowing in the ER. I really enjoyed it. The ICU was interesting and enjoyable for me as well. It's never to early to be interested in becoming something as great as a nurse. I'm 17 and I am totally psyched about nursing even though I won' start actual nursing school til next fall. Glad to see your interested. Oh, and welcome to!
JBudd, MSN
3,836 Posts
Blood, guts and gore, and stuffing it all back together successfully. The stimulation of juggling 18 things at once and succeding. Comforting a scared kid, into calmness and being treated without freaking out and having to be held down.
Doing something about suffering, and watching pain recede. Having my opinion and suggestions taken seriously by people I respect.
Hey xGUYx-
I rethought your question about "what you enjoy about being an ER nurse" and your age. You've already gotten some great responses from those who "have been there and done that".
You probably wanted to hear something exciting; something that would inspire you. "Communication" probably doesn't move you. So, in rethinking, I've decided to augment my answer:
What really pumped me up in any emergency situation was knowing what to do. Planning two or three steps ahead, knowing the possible variables, correctly anticipating the ERP/Surgeon's needs was exciting. Discussing the case afterwards with my coworkers was a good "afterglow" or processing kind of thing.
Of course, I stand by my original answer: Communicating with the pt./family was, and is, enjoyable.
Good luck to you, xGUYx.
LoveMyBugs, BSN, CNA, RN
1,316 Posts
Get a job in a fast food resteraunt for now and work the drive thru window to give an idea of the pace you need to keep up at, so later when the charge nurse is pushing you to go faster and get the pt DC because there are 3 more pt waiting for that bed,
sandnnw, BSN, MSN, EMT-B, APRN
349 Posts
1. It is the MOST exciting job I have EVER had.
2. Every hour is different and challenging. New faces, smells, sounds, voices, problems/issues.
3. Everyone must work together, to get the job done (although, it never really is done). Think sports.
4. You can brag or cry, either way, it makes YOU special.
5. Gives you ICU, without being trapped in one, believe me...I know.
6. Procedures, procedures, procedures (IVs, catheters, wounds, stitching, bullet holes, fractures, defibrillation)
7. Mobility (in all aspects)
8. I come home nasty, sweaty, exhausted and frustrated...but I go back, everytime
bill4745, RN
874 Posts
1. It is the MOST exciting job I have EVER had. 2. Every hour is different and challenging. New faces, smells, sounds, voices, problems/issues.3. Everyone must work together, to get the job done (although, it never really is done). Think sports. 4. You can brag or cry, either way, it makes YOU special. 5. Gives you ICU, without being trapped in one, believe me...I know. 6. Procedures, procedures, procedures (IVs, catheters, wounds, stitching, bullet holes, fractures, defibrillation)7. Mobility (in all aspects)8. I come home nasty, sweaty, exhausted and frustrated...but I go back, everytime
Ditto-I couldn't say it any better. It is the hardest job I've ever had and the most rewarding.
emtb2rn, BSN, RN, EMT-B
2,942 Posts
Agree with everything said above. ER is many things but almost never boring.
Seeing as you're 16, you have many options. I would suggest joining your local rescue squad now as a cadet, become an emt-b, get a couple of years experience in the field as a volly. At the same time, I would suggest going for your bsn. Get the degree, continue riding rescue, possibly get a part-time tech gig in a local er.
Good luck, keep asking questions and have fun with whatever you choose to do.