junior high student thinks she is pregs

Specialties School


Help! I had a teacher come to me and tell me that her 8th grade student confided in her that she thinks she may be pregnant. The student lives with her father and is scared to tell him what is going on. I've passed this information on to our counselor but nothing has been done about it yet (that was 2 days ago). The student is not sure when her last menstrual cycle was and is completely freaking out over it. The "incident" happened approx 2 weeks ago, and I do know (per the teacher) that it was with a minor boy, so I know I'm not dealing with an adult/minor type situation here. I was hoping the counselor would take the lead on this since she already has an established relationship with this child and her father, but she hasn't and I know this issue has to be addressed ASAP. The child has no idea that the teacher has come to me, so she is probably going to be blind-sided when she gets called down to the office to see me or her counselor. I've not had to deal with this situation before. Any and all advice would be greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance.

Ah, boys. That is the "excuse" they use for oral/anal intercourse to completion.....if not, it gets EVERYWHERE and you could get pregnant.....

It is the 2000's version of pulling out/just let me put the tip in.....


This made me think of my old job at the clinic!

I know those suckers can be persistent. I've heard similar stories, and I imagine that there have been people engaging in anal sex that resulted in pregnancy due to the traveling sperm. Not terribly familiar with your condition, but I hope it didn't make child birth even more difficult for you.

Agree. We joke here, but I'm sorry you have so much pain. Congrats on your baby!

Specializes in Med-Surg, Home Health, Hospice, School.
I see why you call yourself crazynursebsn.:roflmao: Thanks for the smile.

This made me think of my old job at the clinic!

That's disturbing

That's disturbing

"Just the tip" is how men become Baby Daddies.

We wanted to get t-shirts made for the patients: NO TIPPING.

We wanted to get t-shirts made for the patients: NO TIPPING.


Specializes in IMC, school nursing.

Thanks crazynursebsn, we got the answer.:wideyed:

Specializes in School Nursing.
That depends on what your definition of sex is. Sex is such a vague term. Most people assume it means sexual intercourse but it can include all sexual acts. So the sexual act I was doing could be considered "sex" even if there was no penetration which there absolutely was not. I have vulvadynia and can have normal sex because it is too painful.

Though I imagine quite rare, I can see how this can result in pregnancy.. but I have to say, your boyfriend has some excellent swimmers!

IMO, a member rubbing on a lady parts (even without full penetration) is sex. But that's just my opinion.

Though I imagine quite rare, I can see how this can result in pregnancy.. but I have to say, your boyfriend has some excellent swimmers!
Ironically, he cant swim.
Ironically, he cant swim.


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