Published Jun 7, 2007
186 Posts
Hello all,
In the past I have gotten Nursing 2007 or whatever year it is at that present time. I have thought about other journals, but when I was a student I thought this was affordable and I liked the layout. It wasn't laid out in such a journal way, but I was able to learn. Now that I am coming up on my first year of nursing completed, I'm thinking about keeping my knowledge fresh. Also CE's are going to be in the next two years. So, any suggestions for someone in my position. I am in med surge nursing and I really don't want to read articles that ramble a bit. Thank you for any advice.
TeresaB930, BSN, RN
138 Posts
I've subscribed to both Nursing 2005 & 6 along with AJN. Of the two journals, I really like AJN much better. In fact, I didn't even renew my Nursing 200...this year. I like the lay out of AJN, the articles and the medical evidence based section. Pick one up sometime and take a peek at it. I think you'll enjoy it.
TazziRN, RN
6,487 Posts
I'm the opposite. I disliked AJN so much I cancelled my subscription. I've gotten Nursing Magazine for over 20 years now, since I was in nursing school.
pebbles, BSN, RN
490 Posts
I've subscribed to Nursing 2007 since I graduated, and I still like it. The other one I subscribe to is RN. Sometimes there isn't a whole lot of "meat" in there that I find applies to my practice, and there is more non-nursing stuff (fluff) than there used to be. They have both become more magazine-y in nature. But I like them better than AJN, which I found just too hard to read.
donsterRN, ASN, BSN
2,558 Posts
I get several because I find them very valuable for school for different reasons. But my favorite is still Nursing 2007.
Anyone get there area of practice journal? Such as American Journal of Med Surg?
DeLana_RN, BSN, RN
819 Posts
My favorite general nursing journals:
1. Nursing 2007
2. RN
3. AJN
Specialty journals (I'm in dialysis):
1. ANNA Journal (American Nephrology Nurses Association)
2. Nephrology News and Issues (this is a trade journal)
I used to subscribe to Nursing Made Incredibly Easy, but didn't like it - too much clinical stuff (only CEU-type articles), no personal interest stories (e.g., about memorable patients), and no letters to the editor!
My husband (CICU RN) subscribes to Men in Nursing.
P.S. CEU articles in nursing journals are an expensive way to get your hours; before I went back to a hospital (where I get free CEUs), I got mine from booklets that are mailed to all nurses. For about $30 I could get all my CEUs (including those required by my state), which is a much better deal.
Thank you DeLana_RN,
I have been getting thoes through the mail and thought they were too good to be real or true. I have plenty of opputunities to get CEU's through work. I'll have to loose sleep though because I work night shift. Yeah me! Thank you for your input and I will keep your info in mind.
teeituptom, BSN, RN
4,283 Posts
Personally I prefer golfing journals
If my memory serves me right, I can go the library to see which one I like the most. I'll have to investigate that once I am out and about. Thank you for all your input.
979 Posts
I buy books instead. They work better for me.
272 Posts
At the hospital I work at they have a library where they keep all of their journal articles. As you know there are topics that you rather read that are not on the journals that you might get at home. SO you can photo copy them for free. I even look at the NP journals. SO you get what you want and it's free. Check it out.