Ivy Tech Spring '10 Applicants

U.S.A. Indiana


This is the "Not In" thread, or for anyone that's planning on applying for Spring Semester by the Sept 1st deadline.

We need love too! :loveya:

My Boring Stats:

A's in prereq's except ANP 2...taking that class now.

Horribly embarrassing TEAS at 76, still have two more tries. (Which is why I'm taking math and phys sci this summer. lol)

Hope to get into the Bloomington or Terre Haute programs. (Yay! Greene county gets region pts at both. lol)

Currently frazzling myself out with 5 online classes :bugeyes:

It's nice to meet you....whoever you are....

Haven't looked at the videos yet.

Sunny, what class schedule do you have? I don't remember you saying what you got (once you finally got scheduled!!) and I wonder if you are in my group and I don't even know it! I'm in the B group Tu-Fri. Had Lab this morning at 10.

Specializes in Neurology.

There is definitely plenty of fluff in the videos :) I am going to try one more for the next section and then decide if they are worth the time.

Just started working on the Ogden's Math and am having trouble accessing the online materials (anyone else?), I am probably just having a blond moment and will be trying it again in a bit! I am working on the notion that we will not be allowed to use calculators for the test and am doing everything long hand. Not sure which way we will be tested though.

Specializes in Neurology.

So... How is everyone doing? Stress really got to me last night, I turned up my headphones and danced (hope the neighbors didn't see :eek: ) to blow off some steam. Anyone else feeling stressed?

Did anyone else get an email that they have to go in and sign the HepB declination statement even though they signed the one that said we were in the process of getting the shots? I did so I guess I'll stop in there on Tues to sign it.

And about the Carpenito books--I remember the chair showing at orientation the two Carpenito books that we would need, one being the smaller "Handbook of Nursing Diagnosis" and I'm sure the other was the one on the blue list, "Nursing Care Plans and Documentation: Nursing Diagnoses and Collaborative Problems." So we will see what they say about the one listed in that email, which was "Nursing Diagnosis: Application to Clinical Practice." Our Fund. instructor was under the impression that we would have the one from the blue list and was surprised to hear about the email saying it would be the other one. I think the email was incorrect because I'm almost certain that the chair held up the one from the blue list.

I wish they would clarify if we are aloud to use calculators. I am going crazy studying, reading, and writing everything that needs to be done. I thought they said that calculators were aloud, even though the book says that we should do the work without one. There is a big time difference in studying for the math depending on if we are or are not allowed. It's a little disturbing to me that the faculty can't even agree on the books that we are suppose to have, oh and THE WAY WE WEAR OUR HAIR! Good luck to everyone preparing for our first test, thanks for letting me rant......

I solved the hair question by getting it cut shorter in the back this morning. Same style, just shorter. It's most definitely off the collar now. And I'll just have to clip the sides back.

I have a friend who just started the program in Ft Wayne, and all they have to do is pull it back enough to keep the front/sides out of their face. She said there is a girl in her class with hair down to the middle of her back who just has to pull the sides back but the back just hangs there, not even in a ponytail or anything.


I'm so feeling the stress right now. My brain is french fried from studying for this upcoming test on top of everthing else that is assigned and of course life itself. I keep telling myself to "just breath" and focus on one assignment at a time. Good luck everyone on this upcoming test!

csab, I'm in the group that has lab on tuesday and thursday mornings at 8:30 and 8 am (I think group A??) anyways sorry for the delayed response!

I'm extremely stressed out too. I'm confused about a lot of the readings, because they don't seem to correspond to what we're doing in class! All that fire safety and fall prevention stuff?? In class we are learning about the nursing process!

I'm also a bit frustrated because I can't seem to get responses when I email professors with questions...one in particular who shall not be named....


Specializes in Neurology.

Heading in the office on Tuesday to sign the Hep B declination on Tuesday also, I guess that covers them if we never finish up the series.

Our fundamentals instructor was questioned on calculator use and told us we would be able to use them, I would double check with yours though.

The hair thing is kinda funny, I have never seen so many clips or squatty ponytails in my life! I think sooner or later we will figure out an acceptable way to do our hair that doesn't leave us looking so goofy. I guess I will be sporting an ever so fashionable bun next week :)

The Stress!! I hope everyone has someone to vent to. I tried explaining to my hubby how I felt and he told me I needed to "just calm down" ummmm yeah.... That conversation didn't end well LOL! Really glad to be able to vent here, it helps!! I am hoping as things go along and we understand more what is expected of us it will get easier. Good luck everyone on the test.

Sunny, what chapters are the fire safety and fall prevention stuff? It looks like that stuff is in the coming week's reading assignment, but is not for the first Exam. Exam 1 is over Ch. 11-17, 27(pg 699-718, 720-732) and 42(pg 1413-1421, 1428-1434).

You must be in the D group. MistyMiss is in there!

MistyMiss, those jaw clip thingies look fine, i.e. they look better than a 'bun' LOL! The term 'bun' always reminds me of Amish people or Carolyn Ingalls from Little House on the Prairie. I was one of those with a 'squatty' ponytail last week--that's why I decided to just get my hair cut shorter. It's much easier for me than trying to make a decent ponytail and messing with all the extra clips.

Hey do you guys think we should start a new thread for Spring 10 students? Since this one is so long now and besides, we aren't just applicants anymore! :nurse:

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