Ivy Tech 'Fall 2010' Applicants

U.S.A. Indiana


Hi everyone! I wanted to start a thread for those of us planning on applying by April 1st....

Has anyone taken the TEAS yet? Where are you with your pre-reqs? What campus are you applying to?

I am planning on taking the TEAS in December, so I have enough time to retake it :) and this is my first semester at Ivy Tech. I'm taking APHY 101, ENGL 111, and PSYC 101 all this semester and I will complete APHY 102 next semester. I am planning on applying to Indy.

And good luck to all the Spring 2010 applicants! :yeah:Hope everyone gets in!!!

anyone else on here waiting on a letter from logansport???

Congratulations to all who have gotten their letters!! :yeah:I hope to be finding something out from Ft. Wayne in a day or two!! I'm sure that those who have found out feel lots of relief! Good luck to all who are starting the program, it would be sooo exciting to know! I read on the Ivy Tech message board that their was a person who got into the Ft. Wayne program with a 209 hoping that is the high range!! Well have a great day, its been great reading posts, and feeling in a group and knowing others out there really do understand all the stress and pressure I am feeling and going thru!:uhoh3: I really feel my calling is to be a :nurse: just wish the school would feel that way too!!!

Specializes in ER.
Madison's letters were sent out? I have a friend who applied there and as far as I know, she's not received anything. She had a 215...

Yea me and my sister both received ours today. I'm sure she'll get in with a 215.

I got into the Fort Wayne RN with a 209. Unfortunately, they didn't give a cut off for the program or even an idea of how many applied. I hope everyone gets their letters soon. I know the wait is enough to drive you insane!

I got into the Fort Wayne RN with a 209. Unfortunately, they didn't give a cut off for the program or even an idea of how many applied. I hope everyone gets their letters soon. I know the wait is enough to drive you insane!

Congratulations to you! :) I know a few people will be very happy that the Ft. Wayne letters are out. Just a few more campuses left, right? I think I got a 100 on my Chemistry quiz today! :up: I'm still having a hard time understanding it, though...

This is just so frustrating because my boss is waiting to look for my replacement until we know if I got in to the nursing program or not. I wish they would give out the cut off scores when you call to ask. :( I know my score, so if I knew the cut off I could tell my boss one way or the other.

Received an email from Terre Haute today. No letters have been mailed and they are hoping to have them out by the middle of next week. I am trying to plan a vacation and this isn't helping! :)

Nothing from Kokomo or Logansport

Hey Everyone,

Anyone else apply to Madison? I haven't received anything yet. I'm so frustrated. I know that a previous poster has received their letter. I've called the campus and no answer. Ughhhhh!!!!

Hi Everybody,

I applied to both Bloomington and Columbus but haven't heard anything yet. Has anyone heard much about the Bloomington program? The health meeting definitely made it sound like it was a pretty competitive program. Wish everyone the best of luck getting into their programs!

I am in at Richmond. My score was 210. WHEW!!!!!

i am in at richmond. my score was 210. whew!!!!!



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