ITT Tech?

U.S.A. Michigan


Have any of you looked into their ADN program? It is new in Michigan this year; however, Indiana just had their first graduates, or are getting close to graduation.

I took the HESI at ITT Tech in July. I'm on pins and needles waiting to hear something. If all goes well, I plan to start in September. :yeah:

One drawback is the cost. Another is that nothing you take here will transfer. That's something to condider if you are young and may eventually go on to obtain your BSN. Me? I'm in my 40's now. No chance of getting my BSN.

Please post if you know anything about this school, or if you were one of the many who took the HESI here. No waiting list. Score high enough on the HESI and you're in. The caveat is that they are only taking 30 students to start. I plan to be one from the initial class. We should hear something this week.

Specializes in Labor and Delivery.

Mikevegas- I am not upset about anything. I have never attended the school and never had anything to do with the school. I got accepted to my first choice BSN program on my first try. I just felt that people were getting very snide with their remarks. I just thought maybe BigDude was possibly trying to watn students because maybe he had heard things about their program. Also as I staed that I had a friend which I said was in a completely different program that had a terrible experience.

I think its obvious with the amount of negative responses that the school just doesn't have a great reputation.

Our program at ITT is one of the best in my area. The Nursing lab is "the best I have ever seen" according to my nursing instructor (whom has taught at a University, a Community College and 2 other colleges.) We at ITT have also been praised for the layout of our program. We are slowly introduced to Nursing, and we have to complete 109 credit hours, compared to one of the other nursing schools in our area (the most popular) which only requires 70 credit hours. I think ITT just needs time to build up their nursing program's reputation. I love it there, it is so professional, and I haven't met anyone that I dislike yet.

holy crap ITT is turning out nurses now!!!?? First of all to all who have made it into any nursing school congrats. I am a nursing student at a Community College. The one with the excellent reputation. The fact that none of your credits are transferable should be a major red flag. being an ADN is awesome and i wish everyone the best i really do, but for anyone who thinks that because they are in their 40's they dont need to get a BSN is sadly mistaken. even in your 40's your going to be working the next 20 to 25 yrs. do you really want to stay an ADN for 20 + yrs?

Does ITT even have clinicals in hospitals?

i havent seen any in the hospitals in the DET area.

like i said im a former ITT grad and i discourage everyone i see from attending that school. if your able to get into another school i would do it. i cant imagine that any hospital would take an ITT grad when they have other schools with far better reps

whosyourdaddy seems a little upset!!!! First of all Itt tech nursing program is not the same program you were in. So you cant possible comment on something you dont have information on or know nothing about. To answer your question yes they have clinicals in hospitals and they are all approved by state boards that they are in. They also can sit for the NCLEX after finishing school and be Registered Nurses after passing. And to also answer your question about transferring credits. They might not be able to transfer credits to most schools but most online ADN to RN bridge programs will let you take their classes as long as you are a licensed Registered Nurse already. And alot of those schools are nationally accredited. Look them up. And if you dont know how, I will gladly tell you how or which schools. So sorry if you were not satisfied with the program you were in. But like I said different program, different directors, different teachers, different results. Itt tech actually spent millions of dollars on each of their nursing programs on brand new state of the art equipment, labs and books. They also get alot of hands on teaching before they even step into their clinicals at a hospital. Which community colleges dont. Most community college nursing students have never even placed catheters before they start their clinicals. At itt tech they start in school, in their own brand new state of the art labs. Go see for your self. Nexxxxxxt!!!!!! you teach there or something. cause i cant imagine your a student. Everyone i have ever met that has gone to ITT is mad about the fact that they went there. So am i upset about ITT even still being in existance.....yes i am. If your happy paying 5 times the normal amount then you would to attend a comm coll then have at it.

I dont know what comm coll doesnt have their students practicing on medical manikins.

here is some info i found out about ITT tech. RAIDED BY THE FBI in 2004 for falsifying documents.


your school is not accredited by the national league of nursing accreditation! that means that ITT grads are not recognized as accreditied nurses

mikvegas123 you can say im upset and your right the real issue is why arent you?

and im sure The millions of dollars they got to spend on their STATE OF THE ART labs is from the scam they ran on all their other students. Look if ITT was capable of getting accredited why wouldn't they? Why does no one ever ask ITT that? I'm sure there is some two bit programs that will allow ITT grads to pay through the nose to get their BSN. Mikvegas123, i wish every nursing student all the best, but I gaurntee by the time your finished with school there you will be questioning why you went there in the first place..............everyone else does.

Specializes in Pre-Nursing Student.

Ok, so I have read all seven pages of this thread, hoping that I could get a little insight into the ITT Nursing program and I have to say that there are WAY too many people on here with completely uncalled for comments. If you haven't gone through the program, and have no real insight, why are you posting here?

... But enough on that... In 2009 Oklahoma got 2 new ADN programs through ITT tech, one in OKC and one in Tulsa. Currently OKC cannot admit new students until it changes some of its curriculum so I am looking into the Tulsa program. I have spent the past three years building up prereqs for nursing (both adn prereqs and some that apply to bsn). I have researched almost EVERY NURSING PROGRAM IN THE STATE.... LITERALLY!! After talking to several students who have said that even after they acquired all their prereqs they still could not get in, I decided that maybe I should try other avenues. So this semester I am taking EMT-B and in the event that I don't pass the HESI, I will bridge paramedic-RN. I would really like some input on the ITT tech program from actual students, especially if you are in the Tulsa ITT Tech program. Thanks!

Hi Katy-Nursing Student,

I am a current student at the ITT Portland campus. I'm only going in to my 6th week, but so far I love the program. I have learned a lot and I have a good deal of homework, quizzes, and exams. My schedule is great, 9-120 on Tuesday and 9-5 on Wednesday. That will most likely change every quarter. We've got great instructors, and we're all looking forward to getting into the lab next quarter to start using the mannequins. Good luck with whichever path you choose!

Specializes in Pre-Nursing Student.

How long do the semesters last there?

We have 9 quarters total, 11 weeks long each. So I'm half way through quarter 1.

hello, I am new to all of this.. I am in the middle of deciding where to go to pursue my nursing career. although I have heard some bad things about the ITT Tech nursing program, I have also heard alot of good. I just have a few questions for you guys. doe ITT offer an actual degree? how many years would the program take until your a certified RN, and I was also wondering about the financial aid.. even if I qaulify for financial aid, would I still have to take loans out? sorry for all of the silly questions, like I said, I'm new with all of this, schooling & nursing. I am 21 and just now going back to school after graduating 3 years ago.


The ITT nursing program will give you an associates degree, making you an RN after a 27 month program.

Specializes in Pre-Nursing Student.

Avasmommy, this is what I know... Its an Associates degree that takes between 2- 2 1/2 years, yes they do financial aid and to cover the cost you will probably have to max out your stafford loans, and possibly take out personal (I think tuition depends on the area too). The down side though is you will have to hunt if you want to find a place that will take transfer credits for your basics you took during the nursing course. I have been taking mine at a CC so they will transfer into ITT and I don't have to worry about those classes once i'm done (not to mention its going to knock about 15k off my tuition).

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