ITT Tech?

U.S.A. Michigan


Have any of you looked into their ADN program? It is new in Michigan this year; however, Indiana just had their first graduates, or are getting close to graduation.

I took the HESI at ITT Tech in July. I'm on pins and needles waiting to hear something. If all goes well, I plan to start in September. :yeah:

One drawback is the cost. Another is that nothing you take here will transfer. That's something to condider if you are young and may eventually go on to obtain your BSN. Me? I'm in my 40's now. No chance of getting my BSN.

Please post if you know anything about this school, or if you were one of the many who took the HESI here. No waiting list. Score high enough on the HESI and you're in. The caveat is that they are only taking 30 students to start. I plan to be one from the initial class. We should hear something this week.

so either way I take the basics, it's still going to eqaul the same ammount of time? or your saying that it would take more time to do them at a CC? sorry I am just so confused to all of this.

thank you guys for your time, I really do appreciate it!

so either way I take the basics, it's still going to eqaul the same ammount of time? or your saying that it would take more time to do them at a CC? sorry I am just so confused to all of this.

thank you guys for your time, I really do appreciate it!

For instance, this quarter I have a nursing class, a science class, and another general ed class that has to do with computers. Even if I didn't need the general classes, I'd still have the nursing class. Same next quarter. I'll have a nursing class, and general ed classes. So even if I didn't need ANY general ed classes, it will still take me all 9 quarters to get through the nursing classes. You can't take the 2nd nursing class at the same time as the first because the second class builds on the first. So if you took 2 years to do your pre-reqs at a cc, you would still spend just over 2 years at ITT.

ok thank you! I've heard the Hesi is pretty easy! are you going for BSN?

The HESI, wasn't too bad, I got a 95 on it. I got 100 on math and 90-something in english. ITT only looks at Math and English. You don't have to do any of the science portions. After I get my ADN here, I will move back to Hawaii (I moved here JUST to complete the program) and then I will do an RN-BSN online program. I can't wait to get back home!

hm, I am confused.. you say it will still take me 2 years after the CC if I did basics there, but I thought ITT Tech was only a 27 month program? or is a 27 month program once all of the basics are done? I was a little confused on that.

and wow, that's awesome! well congrats and good luck! I bet you will be happy to get back home, esp. with returning there with a degree! that's great :)

hm, I am confused.. you say it will still take me 2 years after the CC if I did basics there, but I thought ITT Tech was only a 27 month program? or is a 27 month program once all of the basics are done? I was a little confused on that.

and wow, that's awesome! well congrats and good luck! I bet you will be happy to get back home, esp. with returning there with a degree! that's great :)

It's a 27 month program regardless. so let's say you haven't done any pre-requisites yet, it would look like this:


Nursing class

science class

computer class


nuring class

general ed class

general ed class


Nursing class

general ed class

general ed class

and so on...

if you took your pre-reqs at a cc, it would look like this:


Nursing class


Nursing class


Nursing class

so even though you would have less classes in the second scenario, it will still take you 27 months to get through all of the nursing programs. I have 3 classes this quarter but if I only needed the nursing class, I would have 1 class this quarter.

oh ok! that makes more sence to me now, lol. well thank you so much!!

I go to ITT Tech for Nursing in WV (as I have already posted on here.) I am happy to answer any questions anyone may have about the program!

I go to ITT Tech for Nursing in WV (as I have already posted on here.) I am happy to answer any questions anyone may have about the program!

Hi Kayla,

What quarter are you in? How are you liking the program? I'm in week 6 of Quarter 1 in Portland. So far, so good!

Kayla, how much does your program cost?

Kayla, how much does your program cost?

I don't know if it varies between locations, but mine in Portland, OR is $55k.

Hey! I am also in week 6, I really like it, I just don't really like the Survey of Sciences's really boring to me! I can't wait to start doing stuff next quarter in lab though! Here it is the same price, about $55k. I really do love my school, and local nursing instructors have come and looked at our nursing lab and couldn't believe how nice and advanced it is. . people around here are really excited about our program and I am working hard to make people see that it really is a great one! Nobody knows it yet because we are the first class, but they will realize that ITT really is a great school once we get out and have a 100% NCLEX pass rate :)))

Hey! I am also in week 6, I really like it, I just don't really like the Survey of Sciences's really boring to me! I can't wait to start doing stuff next quarter in lab though! Here it is the same price, about $55k. I really do love my school, and local nursing instructors have come and looked at our nursing lab and couldn't believe how nice and advanced it is. . people around here are really excited about our program and I am working hard to make people see that it really is a great one! Nobody knows it yet because we are the first class, but they will realize that ITT really is a great school once we get out and have a 100% NCLEX pass rate :)))

Awesome! We're the 3rd cohort. We also have a great lab. We're in a new location, so everything looks great. Survey of Sciences is so boring for me too. I have NU100 on wednesday at 9, and then Science right after. It's in the same classroom so allllll day long I'm sitting there. Our science instructor is really cool though. All of our instructors are great. I can't wait to get into the lab either!! I think that our curriculums are supposed to be the same, are you doing rocks and minerals in science right now?

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