ITT Tech?

U.S.A. Michigan


Have any of you looked into their ADN program? It is new in Michigan this year; however, Indiana just had their first graduates, or are getting close to graduation.

I took the HESI at ITT Tech in July. I'm on pins and needles waiting to hear something. If all goes well, I plan to start in September. :yeah:

One drawback is the cost. Another is that nothing you take here will transfer. That's something to condider if you are young and may eventually go on to obtain your BSN. Me? I'm in my 40's now. No chance of getting my BSN.

Please post if you know anything about this school, or if you were one of the many who took the HESI here. No waiting list. Score high enough on the HESI and you're in. The caveat is that they are only taking 30 students to start. I plan to be one from the initial class. We should hear something this week.

The Huntington campus didn't have a school code listed in FAFSA but I just did my FAFSA renewal, called our campus and she gave me the school code.

I took the HESI A2 yesterday...and passed! It wasn't as bad as I thought and although I didn't do as well as I hoped, I finished with a 91.19%. I got a 94% on the math alone. ----- says she hopes to be able to make the phone calls on the 25th.

Kayla...How is everything going for you & hubby?

I just my phone call notifying me of acceptance to the March start in Canton, Mi. I am SO excited and nervous about what to expect. I have been waiting on this for so long and FINALLY its happening :) Anybody have any helpful hints for me? I am looking forward to orientation on the 24th so I can feel its really official lol!!


Congrats! Everything is going well..we are getting close to the end of our first quarter. The nursing class is getting more difficult..but I guess that's to be expected. I'm still loving it there except for the other people who go there for other things, those people can be scary. Oh well, I guess we can't just make it all nursing! Let me know if you get in Izzy, I've heard that it is getting really popular and competitive but I'm sure with a 91% you will do fine...and if not this time then there's always June! :) the others are scary? That's funny! What is it about them that makes you uncomfortabale?

I'll be happy, of course, if I get in this round but I know there's always next time ;)

I'm not a mean person but there are really some scary people there. We were talking amongst ourselves in the hall one day and this guy walks up and yells out a curse word and starts talking about what we were talking about. I was really freaked out..but it's okay, all of the classes are with nursing students and nobody in the program is scary :)

Hey guys I was wondering are we able to wear our own scrubs or do they require certain colors or kinds??

It just depends. In the 1st quarter we don't have to wear scrubs. In the second quarter we have to wear scrubs one day a week, during lab. The ones we wear during lab can be anything, just as long as they're clean and appropriate. In the 4th quarter we start clinicals, and we have to buy the specific ones then. They are navy pants, a white scrub top and lab coat. So basically from the 2nd quarter on we have to wear scrubs.

I just left my orientation earlier today here in Michigan and it seems like there is so much to take in! Not to mention ALL the books I got and those were only for the first quarter!! I want to start reading now although we don't start until March 21st (our start date was pushed back a week because of all the snow days we had this year. As if I wanted to wait another week!!) I am so excited but so nervous at the same time!! :)

The books make it look intimidating, but we don't use those everyday. I just now took my last nursing test! It will be fine, I promise.:nurse:

Glad to hear!! :) My family is giving me a hard time because of the amount of money I am paying for the program (although none of them are pitching in to help with costs) My mom went to the hospital with my cousin over the weekend and asked one of the nurses where they went to school. He told her about one of the local CC's which he attended and then she told him I was going to ITT. She says he told her I will be nothing but a floor nurse if I go there because none of my credits will transfer and I will have to start all over again. Now I know this not to be true for ALL RN-BSN programs in my area. In fact I know a few that I am interested in which I can go to because they don't care where you went to get your RN as long as you are able to sit for the boards and pass! It just upsets me that everyone seems to second guess the school when it's actually been doing good all over from what I hear. And I haven't heard any negative feed back from students already in the program. Now my mom and grandma are giving me a hard time because they feel that I am making the wrong decision. This can be SO frustrating at times. Sorry just had to vent to someone figured this would be the best spot since I'm sure a lot of you may have heard this in the past too!

Yeah, anyone who is going to go there for RN better be prepared for some people questioning them...but believe me, nobody will know how great the program is until they are in it. I love it can get stressful because it seems like we are always getting tested, but I would assume any nursing school would be that way. I have told a lot of people where I am going, and I would say most of them are just suprised to know that ITT has a nursing school, and they usually respond by saying "thats awesome" or something along those lines. Dont worry about anyone but yourself and I'm sure you'll do great.

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