It's that time again! MDC Nursing hopefuls...May 1st

U.S.A. Florida


So here we are again, halfway through another long semester. I am currently taking A&P II with the lab, Micro, and Nutrition. (those are the last of my pre-reqs) I think I will be at a 3.4 all cum when this is all said and done. Currently I have a 3.39 and even if I get starights A's again, I don't think it will bump my GPA much higher than a 3.4something.

Anyone ready to turn in their application for the May 1st deadline?! I am going to turn mine in, knowing that 3.6 is the cut off, however....maybe I have a fighting chance!?

Anyone else have the GPA blues? btw, in other schools/programs, a 3.4 is not bad at all! :twocents:

I got into Barry, but who can afford Barry! They already want $225 :bluecry1:

yes but if you have a 3.4 and the cut off is 3.6, and if your GPA is locked then basically no matter how "badly' you want it, "it" wont be given to you. my anatomy II professor @ MDC told me last week that he knows for a fact that there is a lot of "mafia style" (his words, not mine) mentality going on at the nursing program. Basically, sometimes it can be as simple as "who you know"....and so you hear of a lot of stories of less than 3.6's getting in....Therefore us 3.4 and less have to PAY A LOT for our degree at a private school.

Sorry, just venting.

What semester are you applying for with the May 1st deadline? Does it start in August?

August, with the May 1st deadline. I already got accepted into Barry, but that seems just as impossible. They are requiring medical insurance. Fine. But with THEIR definition of adequate coverage. Which includes a deductable of $1500 and maternity. How am I supposed to pay for my own medical insurance? And quit my job because its 12-18 required credits a semester, so forget working full-time. By the way, why would they force me to have maternity coverage?!? dumb dumb dumb

honestly, i feel like giving up. all avenues of possibilities are closing on me.

You have to realize that just because the cut off for last semester was about a 3.6 it does not mean that for the incoming semester it is the same. They determine the cut off based on the applicant pool. If a majority of applicants have.... Let's say... a 3.7 to 4.0. The cut off will probably be 3.7. It is hard to sit here trying to figure out what the cut off is when you have no idea as to the gpa's that are in the applicant pool. A 3.4 is really just depends what the other gpa's are. I know it can be frustrating. I felt like I was I was going crazy waiting and waiting to here. As far as that "mafia"comment, I'm not going to justify it with a response. Good luck to everyone!

If you got into Barry--- I've heard of a couple of people that went to miami dade and said "hey, look, I got into this nursing school, and I haven't received an acceptace from MDC, I rejected barry to come here" and then two days later they get into MDC.

I got into Nova, BCC & Manatee >-- but I didnt do that because I was too bitter that MDC didn't want me, so I don't want them either.

Can anyone tell me about Jacksonville U online?


You dont have to justify it, I was simply quoting my anatomy professor who is invloved with the program. He obviously knows something we don't. And like anything else, I can believe that there are always politics involved. ie i know someone who works @ mdc, already has a bachelors and has a 3.0. She met with someone within the program...and voi la...she's golden, she's in. Im happy for her...but frustrated for myself. I know about the GPA's great that there are so many students with great gpas working really hard to get in. Unfortunately I have classes affecting my all cum from yrs ago! So for now, I keep my fingers crossed....


At what campus do you take A&P? What is your GPA for JUST your sciences?

Not including any other classes?

Im taking A&P II + Lab at one of the hospitals, not on campus. I have straight A's in sciences, except for one B in Chem Lab. I will have A's in Microbiology, A&P II and the Lab this semester which is over this week coming week.

Specializes in ER.

Hey FutureRN...I was reading some of your posts, and I want to tell you to NOT give up. I'm a strong believer that everything happens for a reason...and the GPA cut off changes every semester...I got into the nursing program (as you know i'm just finishing my first semester as we speak) with a 3.5, and I know someone who got in with a 3.37... and as for myself, I didn't know ANYONE at the Medical Campus who could play favorites with me. So make sure you don't give up, and apply to MDC. You never know what could happen. Good luck and please keep me posted! And as always, if you have any questions, feel free to message me!:bugeyes::up:

Just curious as to how your professor is involved in the program?

heh southern....wont answer that, just like i wont specify exactly where he teaches...sorry

thanks FSU, im usually positive, and im definately a cheerleader for all those around me...its just frustrating at times...which is why ive been negative recently. Insurance question: if you aren't under your parents medical insurance..then how are you not working during the program and paying for your medical coverage as well? Thats what turned me off from Barry. Because you have to have what they call "adequate coverage" which includes no more than a $1500 deduct and maternity coverage?! ok seriously, i cant even afford that now that I AM working.

FutureRN, I've been following the thread and I want to tell you not to give up! I just dropped off my application for the Generic and Acclerated options starting in Aug, and I got the opportunity to grill an advisor one last time.

I was told that acceptance into the program (either option), is entirely based on GPA, which is all evaluated by a computer and not a person. No one is looking over applications and weighing applicants. The computer ranks all the students based on culmulatvie GPA (this means your required sciences as well as ANY other class on your MDC transcript), and literally cuts off once it reaches the 180th mark for the generic program, and the 40th mark for the AO. They have a little leway to accept a few more students if for instnace, number 180,181 and 182 all have the same GPA. A person only then goes in, once everyone has been identified, and verify that each of those selected individuals have required courses and passed with a C or above.

For this reason, you cannot know whether or not you will get in just based on your GPA. As someone pointed out earlier, it really just depends on the applicant pool. I asked what would happen if they had more than 40 or 180 4.0's, and the advisor reassured me that that has NEVER happened and that it is highly unlikely that it ever will (lol..kinda silly question, but I had to ask never know!).

That being said, keep your fingers crossed and try to remain hopeful. I know I will! :) I hope we all get in!

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