Published Sep 28, 2005
10 Posts
This is a big shout to everyone at this forum,hello to so happy to be here as im getting information that i have being searching Josephine,lives in columbia south carolina.i want to attempt my first Nclex-pn but i haven't any idea,but i believe by Gods grace i will know something through this forum because nurses can do it better.:1luvu:
17 Articles; 45,834 Posts
Hello, annorel,:balloons:
I see you are desiring information about the NCLEX. I will move your thread to the NCLEX forum where you can get better info.
Good luck!
thanks very much and God bless.
Hello, annorel,:balloons: I see you are desiring information about the NCLEX. I will move your thread to the NCLEX forum where you can get better info.Good luck!
suzanne4, RN
26,410 Posts
Not sure what information that you are looking for.............have you already applied to the BON for licensure? Or do you need help with doing that?
Welcome to
thanks so much for your concern,the thing is ,im a foreign student i study nursing for two and a half years and i understand that my course is equivalent to the Lpn here,but i havent got a license before coming to the U.S.all have got is my result,transcript,evaluation forms and a case study i wrote.i really need to know where i can start and things i need to know before taking any exam.please im looking forward for your help.
Not sure what information that you are looking for.............have you already applied to the BON for licensure? Or do you need help with doing that?Welcome to
queen mother
36 Posts
Hey Annorel,
welcome, :Melody: welcome, :Melody: :balloons: welcome
:balloons: :balloons: :balloons: :balloons: :balloons: :balloons: :balloons:
Suzanne4 plan does really work, many of us have success stories. Keep in touch and let us know how you are doing. We are here for you.
queen mother, A new RN
wasup,queen mother?im doing fine and thank God for his direction,im sure u r ok,your job and all.i have got some info from the nursing board website here.have gotta take an exam called TOEFl,apply for credential evalution and the like.but i will keep in touch always.:blushkiss
Hey Annorel, welcome, :Melody: welcome, :Melody: :balloons: welcome:balloons: :balloons: :balloons: :balloons: :balloons: :balloons: :balloons: Suzanne4 plan does really work, many of us have success stories. Keep in touch and let us know how you are doing. We are here for you.queen mother, A new RN
108 Posts
Welcome annorel, there are alot of great people around here that are knowledgeable about nclex preperation so take in as much as you can. I wish you the best on your endeavors and future nclex exam. I haven't taken nclex yet, scheduled to take the pn nclex on 10/11 so I can't really help much on that end but I can tell you that I've been using Saunders 2e and Lippincott's review cd's just about everyday. I've been getting for the most part between 70-90% but I have gotten a few 60% though. I feel the only thing to do is prepare for the worst but believe for the best.
Which state are you in? The first thing that you need to do is apply to that state for licensure. But before you do that, what type of visa are you currently on? If not already with a green card, then taking the NCLEX-PN exam will be of no use as you will not be able to get a visa that permits you to work with that.
What you would be able to do is take the exam if permitted, then go on and complete what we call a bridge program to get your RN. Then you will be set for immigration here.
I will be more than happy to help you, but I need more details first, especially on immigration status.:wink2:
thanks,i will try to get these cds,i think they will help wishing you all the best on the 10th and pray that God will render you retentive memory on that day.keep the faith.
RosesrReder, BSN, MSN, RN
8,498 Posts
Welcome to the family. :balloons:
thanks so much,im happy to be in this world