It's Finally Hitting Me


Specializes in N/a.

It seems like just yesterday when I was getting my test scores for the Teas, even though it was months ago. Now I have orientation tomorrow morning and the nerves are finally setting in. I'll meet my classmates, instructors, and be on the verge of committing myself entirely to this for the next 12 months. I'm excited, nervous, and a little scared ALL AT THE SAME TIME. Anyone else feeling this way? Has it hit you yet?

Yeah its hitting me hard. So many mixed emotions. Its going to be sooooo worth it though. Got uniforms for clinical today. Its also hitting me that I'm going to be so busy. School, study, clinical, work and repeat. :dead:

Specializes in Postpartum, Mother/Baby, Comm. Health, Geriatric.

Yes. Reality set in after orientation last week. My schedule is going to be jam packed with Sundays off, but not really off, I will be studying. I'm really wondering what this 7am-7pm clinical will be like on Saturdays.

Yes I completely understand I just went to orientation in june now I start my program on Tuesday August 12 :-D nervous and anxious at the same time class of 2015 here we come!!!!!★☆★

Specializes in None yet..

Yes, indeedy! I got my notice in May, orientation in June and waiting for school to start at the end of September. For me, it's been a rollercoaster ride of emotion, not just one emo event and then settling down. Thrilled to get in, then worried about the unknown. Orientation, get a sense of what's going to happen, happy and excited for awhile, then start to think about how I'm going to do it and jitters again...

Right now I'm dealing with the panic attacks over how I will get work, school, commuting, and minimal self-care done with only 24 hours in each day. Just telling myself it's all just energy that can be focused and to focus on the next thing that's right in front of me.

"Feel the fear and do it anyway."

Relax and take it all one day at a time, one class at a time, and ENJOY the journey. I started my junior year of nursing school this week, so I can tell you from experience that your classmates will be struggling beside you, some will tempt you to join them in dropping out, and the first year is brutally hard and you have to PUSH THROUGH IT. Don't let yourself complain. Don't be part of the "cool group" or the group that fights professors. You are learning a whole new way of thinking, basically an entirely new language from scratch. Right now you read a label that says "contraindicated" or see a condition "associated with" and you say, "Why don't they just say 'don't take if' or 'caused by' in normal English?" But soon you will start to click and you see why things are worded the way they are, why papers are filled out the way they are. NIC, NOC, and NANDA are confusing at first, but they are a way of thinking like a nurse and you have to learn them intuitively. Care plans are a bear, but you start to see method to the madness when you actually walk the wards and you will be glad you forced yourself to understand them. When you get to those clinicals, those nursing care plans cease to be theoretical and take on flesh and blood. Respect your professors, because they care enough to teach you - even if you don't think so!

Specializes in OMFS, Dentistry.

Oh yes! I got my letter in June, had orientation, did all the immunizations, received our Fall outline, bought books and uniforms, and now..... sit and prepare myself during these last few weeks of Summer. I am beyond nervous!

I am actually more excited than nervous. I have a full support system around me. My pastor is a ER physician who tutored me for my teas (and will tutor me once a week for nursing school)--- my best friend is just graduating the program I am going to be starting--- I have 3 other good friends who will help me who are nurses.... super excited and want to get this show on the road and keep it moving. Nervous I have to work fulltime and go to school fulltime at the same time -----nerve racking

I think that's what is making it more nerve wrecking. Trying to make sure you study enough and are able to sleep. My job is still screwing me around about my schedule. They are waiting till the last flipping minute. I'm the type of person that likes to plan ahead. :woot:

I'm with you. The school I am going to does not do orientation in the spring/summer. So I got my letter in May, spent the last couple of months doing all of the things in the packet that followed (immunizations, drug test and background check, record retrieval, shopping). Orientation will be on Tuesday and Wednesday from 8:30-5:00, and then classes begin the following Monday. I have not been given a syllabus, or any indication of what is to come. Since I am the type of person that likes to plan ahead, and always needs to be working on something, this has been very difficult for me.

I'm with you. The school I am going to does not do orientation in the spring/summer. So I got my letter in May, spent the last couple of months doing all of the things in the packet that followed (immunizations, drug test and background check, record retrieval, shopping). Orientation will be on Tuesday and Wednesday from 8:30-5:00, and then classes begin the following Monday. I have not been given a syllabus, or any indication of what is to come. Since I am the type of person that likes to plan ahead, and always needs to be working on something, this has been very difficult for me.

It's been very difficult for me to not be able to plan ahead as well. Even my school's website has barely any information on the program, other than how to get in. It kills me! We don't even have a Facebook page for me to try to connect with others entering the program. :(

We also have a c or better policy. I think an 83 is c anything below that your out. I've heard from others that they start with a big class. Then they either drop out because its hard or miss the c by a few points. I know I'm going to give it everything I've got and put it in gods hands. Best wishes to everyone. We will succeed. :saint:

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