what items could you not go a nursing shift without?


Specializes in CCU, Geriatrics, Critical Care, Tele.

This will be fun to hear everyone's responses! This could be a really good conversation for sharing your favorite nursing items or tools!

Could be funny, serious, just have a good time!


Who's gonna be first?

what items could you not go a nursing shift without?

Siccisors, sharpie, mountain dew.....

Specializes in PACU.

Clothes and Diet Coke. I can scrounge for the rest of what I need. I'd go without the clothes, but getting from the parking lot to the locker room without being seen and probably arrested would be a challenge.

Pen and stethoscope. Oh, and hundreds of alcohol wipes :).

Specializes in ER/ICU.

Coke(the real thing, not diet) and spearmint gum. Coke keeps me awake and spearmint gum can hide any smell.

Specializes in pediatrics and PICU.

Diet Mountain Dew, the only way to make it thru the night.

Specializes in Trauma, Teaching.

diet Coke and a gel pen

I hate those cheap bulk ball points that institutions seem to love

Specializes in Emergency.

it's interesting... when i was an EMT in Canada (before becoming an RN) most of the nurses had a stethescope but here in New Zealand i NEVER see any nurses (not even in respiratory units) carrying them!

but in answer to your question...

chapstick, red/blue pen, mint gum, fobwatch, notepad, eftpos card

Specializes in Oncology.

Diet Coke. We're suppose to use the patient's dedicated stethoscope in their room.

Diet Coke, trauma shears, tape, at least 3 pens.....did I mention Diet Coke??

This will be fun to hear everyone's responses! This could be a really good conversation for sharing your favorite nursing items or tools!

Could be funny, serious, just have a good time!


Who's gonna be first?

what items could you not go a nursing shift without?

What a timely idea! I'm working on a little thing for nursing 1101 students, that I'll call "tools for success". The idea being, what they should bring to clinicals so as not to waste time, and to be as professional as can be.

pens, penlight, sharpie (I use the kind that is fine on one end and blunt on the other) watch, steth, something to write *on* as well. Just so you all know, I'll be shamelessly borrowing many of your suggestions. Cheers!

This will be fun to hear everyone's responses! This could be a really good conversation for sharing your favorite nursing items or tools!

Could be funny, serious, just have a good time!


Who's gonna be first?

coke, coke, gum, black pens, stethoscope and ponytails.. while i start work my hair is always fixed nicely and very presentable and by the time my shift is over my hair is pulled back and i look like i have been run over. lol. did i mention coke?

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